commit 5a4524622d3a42437f39123988b57ce0d38166e6
parent 274262afb5eaed4649aedf2656e8b6b904e579af
Author: Shvedov Yury <>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 09:24:44 +0400
Checked taggrid tutorial
1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -8,43 +8,65 @@ window managers like xfce ore OpenBox.
Patch uses drawtagmask flagset to show tags. Two flags can be applied to it:
-#define DRAWCLASSICTAGS 1 << 0
-this will make patch to draw classic tags row;
-#define DRAWTAGGRID 1 << 1
-this will make patch to draw the grid of tags like this:
+ * `#define DRAWCLASSICTAGS 1 << 0`
+ this will make patch to draw classic tags row;
-The patch defines switchtag function which handle global shortcuts to
+ * `#define DRAWTAGGRID 1 << 1`
+ this will make patch to draw the grid of tags like this:
+The patch defines `switchtag` function which handle global shortcuts to
navigate in grid. This function accept unsigned int argument which represents
flagset of next flags:
-#define SWITCHTAG_UP 1 << 0
-#define SWITCHTAG_DOWN 1 << 1
-#define SWITCHTAG_LEFT 1 << 2
-#define SWITCHTAG_RIGHT 1 << 3
-this four defines the direction of moving current tags;
+ * `#define SWITCHTAG_UP 1 << 0`
+ `#define SWITCHTAG_DOWN 1 << 1`
+ `#define SWITCHTAG_LEFT 1 << 2`
+ `#define SWITCHTAG_RIGHT 1 << 3`
+ this four defines the direction of moving current tags;
+ * `#define SWITCHTAG_TOGGLETAG 1 << 4`
+ `#define SWITCHTAG_TAG 1 << 5`
+ `#define SWITCHTAG_VIEW 1 << 6`
+ `#define SWITCHTAG_TOGGLEVIEW 1 << 7`
-#define SWITCHTAG_TAG 1 << 5
-#define SWITCHTAG_VIEW 1 << 6
-this four defines the behaviour of switching. They will make switchtag work
-like according functions.
+ this four defines the behaviour of switching. They will make `switchtag` work
+ like according functions.
- { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_Up, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_UP | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },
- { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_Down, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_DOWN | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },
- { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_Right, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_RIGHT | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },
- { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_Left, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_LEFT | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },
-This will simply move set of active tags on specified (UP, DOWN, RIGHT or LEFT) direction by pressing ctrl+alt+ARROW.
- { MODKEY|Mod4Mask, XK_Up, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_UP | SWITCHTAG_TAG | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },
- { MODKEY|Mod4Mask, XK_Down, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_DOWN | SWITCHTAG_TAG | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },
- { MODKEY|Mod4Mask, XK_Right, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_RIGHT | SWITCHTAG_TAG | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },
- { MODKEY|Mod4Mask, XK_Left, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_LEFT | SWITCHTAG_TAG | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },
-This will move active window on specified direction and perform the action, described above.
+Default config file defines nest:
+ `{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_Up, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_UP | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },`
+ `{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_Down, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_DOWN | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },`
+ `{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_Right, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_RIGHT | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },`
+ `{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_Left, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_LEFT | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },`
+this will simply move set of active tags in specified (`UP`, `DOWN`, `RIGHT` or `LEFT`) direction by pressing `ctrl+alt+ARROW`;
+ `{ MODKEY|Mod4Mask, XK_Up, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_UP | SWITCHTAG_TAG | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },`
+ `{ MODKEY|Mod4Mask, XK_Down, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_DOWN | SWITCHTAG_TAG | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },`
+ `{ MODKEY|Mod4Mask, XK_Right, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_RIGHT | SWITCHTAG_TAG | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },`
+ `{ MODKEY|Mod4Mask, XK_Left, switchtag, { .ui = SWITCHTAG_LEFT | SWITCHTAG_TAG | SWITCHTAG_VIEW } },`
+this will move active window in specified direction and perform the action, described above.
@@ -54,4 +76,4 @@ Download
- * Yury Shvedov - shved at lvk dot cs dot msu dot su (or mestofel13 at gmail dot com).
+ * Yury Shvedov - [shved AT lvk DOT cs DOT msu DOT su]( (or [mestofel13 AT gmail DOT com](