1 line chat 2 ========= 3 4 lchat (line chat) is a line oriented front end for ii-like chat programs. 5 It handles the input from keyboard and output file in parallel. Thus, you are 6 able to type messages while new chat lines are arriving. Its main focus is on 7 usability and simplicity. 8 9  10 11 Programs you can use lchat as a front end for: 12 13 * 14 * 15 * 16 * 17 * 18 19 Requirements 20 ------------ 21 22 * [libgrapheme]( 23 * tail(1) 24 * grep(1) 25 26 TODO 27 ---- 28 29 * fix: cursor positions in cases of line wrapping 30 * add input history 31 * split slackline as an extra project 32 * add support for vi/emacs mode