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blind-gauss-blur.c (10542B)

      1 /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
      2 #include "common.h"
      4 USAGE("[-j jobs] [-s spread | -s 'auto'] [-acghvy] sd-stream")
      6 static int chroma = 0;
      7 static int noalpha = 0;
      8 static int glow = 0;
      9 static int vertical = 0;
     10 static int horizontal = 0;
     11 static int measure_y_only = 0;
     12 static int auto_spread = 0;
     13 static size_t jobs = 1;
     14 static size_t spread = 0;
     15 static void *original = NULL;
     17 /*
     18  * This is not a regular simple gaussian blur implementation.
     19  * This implementation is able to apply different levels of
     20  * blur on different pixels. It's therefore written a bit
     21  * oddly. Instead of going through each pixel and calculate
     22  * the new value for each pixel, it goes through each pixel
     23  * and smears it out to the other pixels.
     24  */
     27 	if (sig[i1][3] == 0)\
     28 		goto no_blur_##DIR;\
     29 	if (chroma || measure_y_only) {\
     30 		k[0] = sig[i1][1] * sig[i1][3];\
     31 		if (auto_spread)\
     32 			spread = k[0] > 0 ? (size_t)(k[0] * 3 + (TYPE)0.5) : 0;\
     33 		blur[2] = blur[0] = k[0] > 0;\
     34 		c[0] = k[0] *= k[0] * 2, c[0] = sqrt(c[0] * (TYPE)M_PI);\
     35 		k[0] = 1 / -k[0], c[0] = 1 / c[0];\
     36 		if (chroma) {\
     37 			k[2] = k[0];\
     38 			c[2] = c[0];\
     39 			c[1] = k[1] = 0;\
     40 			blur[1] = 0;\
     41 		} else {\
     42 			k[2] = k[1] = k[0];\
     43 			c[2] = c[1] = c[0];\
     44 			blur[1] = blur[0];\
     45 		}\
     46 	} else {\
     47 		if (auto_spread)\
     48 			spread = 0;\
     49 		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\
     50 			k[i] = sig[i1][i] * sig[i1][3];\
     51 			if (auto_spread && k[i] > 0 && spread < (size_t)(k[i] * 3 + (TYPE)0.5))\
     52 				spread = (size_t)(k[i] * 3 + (TYPE)0.5);\
     53 			blur[i] = k[i] > 0;\
     54 			c[i] = k[i] *= k[i] * 2, c[i] = sqrt(c[i] * (TYPE)M_PI);\
     55 			k[i] = 1 / -k[i], c[i] = 1 / c[i];\
     56 		}\
     57 	}\
     58 	if (blur[0] + blur[1] + blur[2] == 0)\
     59 		goto no_blur_##DIR;\
     60 	if (auto_spread && spread < 1)\
     61 		spread = 1;
     64 	if (k[0] == k[1] && k[1] == k[2]) {\
     65 		START;\
     66 		for (LOOP) {\
     67 			d = (TYPE)(DISTANCE);\
     68 			d *= d;\
     69 			m = c[0] * exp(d * k[0]);\
     70 			img[i2][0] += clr[i1][0] * m;\
     71 			img[i2][1] += clr[i1][1] * m;\
     72 			img[i2][2] += clr[i1][2] * m;\
     73 			img[i2][3] += clr[i1][3] * m;\
     74 		}\
     75 	} else {\
     76 		blurred = 0;\
     77 		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\
     78 			if (blur[i])\
     79 				blurred += 1;\
     80 			else\
     81 				img[i1][i] += clr[i1][i];\
     82 		}\
     83 		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\
     84 			if (!blur[i])\
     85 				continue;\
     86 			START;\
     87 			for (LOOP) {\
     88 				d = (TYPE)(DISTANCE);\
     89 				d *= d;\
     90 				m = c[i] * exp(d * k[i]);\
     91 				img[i2][i] += clr[i1][i] * m;\
     92 				img[i2][3] += clr[i1][3] * m / (TYPE)blurred;\
     93 			}\
     94 		}\
     95 	}
     97 #define BLUR_PIXEL_EPILOGUE(DIR)\
     98 	continue;\
     99 	no_blur_##DIR:\
    100 	img[i1][0] = clr[i1][0];\
    101 	img[i1][1] = clr[i1][1];\
    102 	img[i1][2] = clr[i1][2];\
    103 	img[i1][3] = clr[i1][3];
    106 	do {\
    107 		memset(img, 0, colour->frame_size);\
    108 		start = 0, end = colour->height;\
    109 		is_master = efork_jobs(&start, &end, jobs, &children);\
    110 		i1 = start * colour->width;\
    111 		for (y1 = start; y1 < end; y1++) {\
    112 			for (x1 = 0; x1 < colour->width; x1++, i1++) {\
    114 				if (spread) {\
    115 					SETSTART;\
    116 					SETEND;\
    117 				}\
    120 			}\
    121 		}\
    122 		ejoin_jobs(is_master, children);\
    123 	} while (0)
    125 #define PROCESS(TYPE)\
    126 	do {\
    127 		typedef TYPE pixel_t[4];\
    128 		\
    129 		pixel_t *restrict clr = (pixel_t *)cbuf;\
    130 		pixel_t *restrict sig = (pixel_t *)sbuf;\
    131 		pixel_t *restrict orig = original;\
    132 		pixel_t *img = (pixel_t *)output;\
    133 		pixel_t c, k;\
    134 		size_t x1, y1, i1, x2, y2, i2;\
    135 		TYPE d, m;\
    136 		int i, blurred, blur[3] = {0, 0, 0};\
    137 		size_t start, end, x2start, x2end, y2start, y2end;\
    138 		int is_master;\
    139 		pid_t *children;\
    140 		\
    141 		y2start = x2start = 0;\
    142 		x2end = colour->width;\
    143 		y2end = colour->height;\
    144 		\
    145 		if (glow)\
    146 			memcpy(orig, clr, colour->frame_size);\
    147 		if (chroma || !noalpha) {\
    148 			start = 0, end = colour->height;\
    149 			is_master = efork_jobs(&start, &end, jobs, &children);\
    150 			\
    151 			/* premultiply alpha channel */\
    152 			if (!noalpha) {\
    153 				i1 = start * colour->width;\
    154 				for (y1 = start; y1 < end; y1++) {\
    155 					for (x1 = 0; x1 < colour->width; x1++, i1++) {\
    156 						clr[i1][0] *= clr[i1][3];\
    157 						clr[i1][1] *= clr[i1][3];\
    158 						clr[i1][2] *= clr[i1][3];\
    159 					}\
    160 				}\
    161 			}\
    162 			\
    163 			/* store original image */\
    164 			if (glow) {\
    165 				i1 = start * colour->width;\
    166 				memcpy(orig + i1, clr + i1, (end - start) * colour->width * sizeof(*clr));\
    167 			}\
    168 			\
    169 			/* convert colour model */\
    170 			if (chroma) {\
    171 				i1 = start * colour->width;\
    172 				for (y1 = start; y1 < end; y1++) {\
    173 					for (x1 = 0; x1 < colour->width; x1++, i1++) {\
    174 						clr[i1][0] = clr[i1][0] / (TYPE)D65_XYZ_X - clr[i1][1];\
    175 						clr[i1][2] = clr[i1][2] / (TYPE)D65_XYZ_Z - clr[i1][1];\
    176 						/*
    177 						 * Explaination:
    178 						 *   Y is the luma and ((X / Xn - Y / Yn), (Z / Zn - Y / Yn))
    179 						 *   is the chroma (according to CIELAB), where (Xn, Yn, Zn)
    180 						 *   is the white point.
    181 						 */\
    182 					}\
    183 				}\
    184 			}\
    185 			/* Conversion makes no difference if blur is applied to all
    186 			 * parameters:
    187 			 * 
    188 			 * Gaussian blur:
    189 			 * 
    190 			 *                  ∞ ∞
    191 			 *                  ⌠ ⌠ V(x,y)  −((x−x₀)² + (y−y₀)²)/(2σ²)
    192 			 *     V′ (x₀,y₀) = │ │ ────── e                            dxdy
    193 			 *       σ          ⌡ ⌡  2πσ²
    194 			 *                −∞ −∞
    195 			 * 
    196 			 * With linear transformation, F:
    197 			 * 
    198 			 *                      ∞ ∞
    199 			 *                      ⌠ ⌠ F(V(x,y))  −((x−x₀)² + (y−y₀)²)/(2σ²)
    200 			 *     V′ (x₀,y₀) = F⁻¹ │ │ ───────── e                           dxdy
    201 			 *       σ              ⌡ ⌡    2πσ²
    202 			 *                     −∞ −∞
    203 			 * 
    204 			 *                      ∞ ∞
    205 			 *                      ⌠ ⌠  ⎛V(x,y)  −((x−x₀)² + (y−y₀)²)/(2σ²)⎞
    206 			 *     V′ (x₀,y₀) = F⁻¹ │ │ F⎜────── e                          ⎟ dxdy
    207 			 *       σ              ⌡ ⌡  ⎝ 2πσ²                             ⎠
    208 			 *                     −∞ −∞
    209 			 * 
    210 			 *                            ∞ ∞
    211 			 *                            ⌠ ⌠ V(x,y)  −((x−x₀)² + (y−y₀)²)/(2σ²)
    212 			 *     V′ (x₀,y₀) = (F⁻¹ ∘ F) │ │ ────── e                           dxdy
    213 			 *       σ                    ⌡ ⌡  2πσ²
    214 			 *                           −∞ −∞
    215 			 * 
    216 			 *                  ∞ ∞
    217 			 *                  ⌠ ⌠ V(x,y)  −((x−x₀)² + (y−y₀)²)/(2σ²)
    218 			 *     V′ (x₀,y₀) = │ │ ────── e                           dxdy
    219 			 *       σ          ⌡ ⌡  2πσ²
    220 			 *                 −∞ −∞
    221 			 * 
    222 			 * Just like expected, the colour space should not affect the
    223 			 * result of guassian blur as long as it is linear.
    224 			 */\
    225 			\
    226 			ejoin_jobs(is_master, children);\
    227 		}\
    228 		\
    229 		/* blur */\
    230 		if (horizontal)\
    231 			BLUR(TYPE, horizontal,\
    232 			     x2start = spread > x1 ? 0 : x1 - spread,\
    233 			     x2end = spread + 1 > colour->width - x1 ? colour->width : x1 + spread + 1,\
    234 			     i2 = y1 * colour->width + x2start,\
    235 			     x2 = x2start; x2 < x2end; (x2++, i2++),\
    236 			     (ssize_t)x1 - (ssize_t)x2);\
    237 		if (horizontal && vertical)\
    238 			memcpy(clr, img, colour->frame_size);\
    239 		if (vertical)\
    240 			BLUR(TYPE, vertical,\
    241 			     y2start = spread > y1 ? 0 : y1 - spread,\
    242 			     y2end = spread + 1 > colour->height - y1 ? colour->height : y1 + spread + 1,\
    243 			     i2 = y2start * colour->width + x1,\
    244 			     y2 = y2start; y2 < y2end; (y2++, i2 += colour->width),\
    245 			     (ssize_t)y1 - (ssize_t)y2);\
    246 		\
    247 		start = 0, end = colour->height;\
    248 		is_master = efork_jobs(&start, &end, jobs, &children);\
    249 		\
    250 		/* convert back to CIE XYZ */\
    251 		if (chroma) {\
    252 			i1 = start * colour->width;\
    253 			for (y1 = start; y1 < end; y1++) {\
    254 				for (x1 = 0; x1 < colour->width; x1++, i1++) {\
    255 					img[i1][0] = (img[i1][0] + img[i1][1]) * (TYPE)D65_XYZ_X;\
    256 					img[i1][2] = (img[i1][2] + img[i1][1]) * (TYPE)D65_XYZ_Z;\
    257 				}\
    258 			}\
    259 		}\
    260 		\
    261 		/* apply glow */\
    262 		if (glow) {\
    263 			i1 = start * colour->width;\
    264 			for (y1 = start; y1 < end; y1++) {\
    265 				for (x1 = 0; x1 < colour->width; x1++, i1++) {\
    266 					img[i1][0] += orig[i1][0];\
    267 					img[i1][1] += orig[i1][1];\
    268 					img[i1][2] += orig[i1][2];\
    269 					img[i1][3] += orig[i1][3];\
    270 				}\
    271 			}\
    272 		}\
    273 		\
    274 		/* unpremultiply alpha channel */\
    275 		i1 = start * colour->width;\
    276 		for (y1 = start; y1 < end; y1++) {\
    277 			for (x1 = 0; x1 < colour->width; x1++, i1++) {\
    278 				if (img[i1][3] != 0)\
    279 					continue;\
    280 				img[i1][0] /= img[i1][3];\
    281 				img[i1][1] /= img[i1][3];\
    282 				img[i1][2] /= img[i1][3];\
    283 			}\
    284 		}\
    285 		\
    286 		/* ensure the video if opaque if -a was used */\
    287 		if (noalpha) {\
    288 			i1 = start * colour->width;\
    289 			for (y1 = start; y1 < end; y1++)\
    290 				for (x1 = 0; x1 < colour->width; x1++, i1++)\
    291 					img[i1][3] = 1;\
    292 		}\
    293 		\
    294 		ejoin_jobs(is_master, children);\
    295 		\
    296 		(void) sigma;\
    297 	} while (0)
    299 static void
    300 process_lf(char *restrict output, char *restrict cbuf, char *restrict sbuf,
    301            struct stream *colour, struct stream *sigma)
    302 {
    303 	PROCESS(double);
    304 }
    306 static void
    307 process_f(char *restrict output, char *restrict cbuf, char *restrict sbuf,
    308           struct stream *colour, struct stream *sigma)
    309 {
    310 	PROCESS(float);
    311 }
    313 int
    314 main(int argc, char *argv[])
    315 {
    316 	struct stream colour, sigma;
    317 	char *arg;
    318 	void (*process)(char *restrict output, char *restrict cbuf, char *restrict sbuf,
    319 	                struct stream *colour, struct stream *sigma);
    321 	ARGBEGIN {
    322 	case 'a':
    323 		noalpha = 1;
    324 		break;
    325 	case 'c':
    326 		chroma = 1;
    327 		break;
    328 	case 'g':
    329 		glow = 1;
    330 		break;
    331 	case 'h':
    332 		horizontal = 1;
    333 		break;
    334 	case 'v':
    335 		vertical = 1;
    336 		break;
    337 	case 'y':
    338 		measure_y_only = 1;
    339 		break;
    340 	case 'j':
    341 		jobs = etozu_flag('j', UARGF(), 1, SHRT_MAX);
    342 		break;
    343 	case 's':
    344 		arg = UARGF();
    345 		if (!strcmp(arg, "auto"))
    346 			auto_spread = 1;
    347 		else
    348 			spread = etozu_flag('s', arg, 1, SIZE_MAX);
    349 		break;
    350 	default:
    351 		usage();
    352 	} ARGEND;
    354 	if (argc != 1)
    355 		usage();
    357 	if (!vertical && !horizontal)
    358 		vertical = horizontal = 1;
    360 	eopen_stream(&colour, NULL);
    361 	eopen_stream(&sigma, argv[0]);
    363 	SELECT_PROCESS_FUNCTION(&colour);
    364 	CHECK_CHANS(&colour, == 3, == (measure_y_only ? 1 : colour.luma_chan));
    365 	CHECK_N_CHAN(&colour, 4, 4);
    367 	echeck_compat(&colour, &sigma);
    369 	if (jobs > colour.height)
    370 		jobs = colour.height;
    372 	if (glow)
    373 		original = emalloc(colour.frame_size);
    375 	fprint_stream_head(stdout, &colour);
    376 	efflush(stdout, "<stdout>");
    377 	process_each_frame_two_streams(&colour, &sigma, STDOUT_FILENO, "<stdout>", process);
    378 	free(original);
    379 	return 0;
    380 }