1 sent 2 ==== 3 Simple plaintext presentation tool. 4 5 [](sent-bullets.png) 6 7 sent does not need latex, libreoffice or any other fancy file format, it uses 8 plaintext files to describe the slides and can also display images. Every 9 paragraph represents a slide in the presentation. Especially for presentations 10 using the [Takahashi method]( 11 this is very nice and allows you to write down the presentation for a quick 12 lightning talk within a few minutes. 13 14 The presentation is displayed in a simple X11 window colored black on white for 15 maximum contrast even if the sun shines directly onto the projected image. The 16 content of each slide is automatically scaled to fit the window so you don't 17 have to worry about alignment. Instead you can really focus on the content. 18 19 Dependencies 20 ------------ 21 * Xlib and Xft for building 22 * [farbfeld](// tools to use images in the 23 presentations (if you don't want to use farbfeld, 24 [sent-0.2](// was the last version with 25 just png support, but may lack fixes and further improvements since its 26 release) 27 28 Demo 29 ---- 30 To get a little demo, just type 31 32 make && ./sent example 33 34 You can navigate with the arrow keys and quit with `q`. 35 36 (Non-)Features 37 -------------- 38 * A presentation is just a simple text file. 39 * Each paragraph represents one slide. 40 * Content is automatically scaled to fit the screen. 41 * UTF-8 is supported. 42 * Images can be displayed (no text on the same slide). 43 * Just around 1000 lines of C 44 * No different font styles (bold, italic, underline) 45 * No fancy layout options (different font sizes, different colors, …) 46 * No animations 47 * No support for automatic layouting paragraphs 48 * No export function. If you really need one, just use a shell script with 49 `xdotool` and your favorite screenshot application. 50 * Slides with exuberant amount of lines or characters produce rendering glitches 51 intentionally to prevent you from holding bad presentations. 52 53 Usage 54 ----- 55 Edit config.h to fit your needs then build again. 56 57 sent [FILE] 58 59 If FILE is omitted or equals `-`, stdin will be read. Produce image slides by 60 prepending a `@` in front of the filename as a single paragraph. Lines starting 61 with `#` will be ignored. A `\\` at the beginning of the line escapes `@` and 62 `#`. A presentation file could look like this: 63 64 sent 65 66 @nyan.png 67 68 depends on 69 - Xlib 70 - farbfeld 71 72 sent FILENAME 73 one slide per paragraph 74 # This is a comment and will not be part of the presentation 75 \# This and the next line start with backslashes 76 77 \@FILE.png 78 79 thanks / questions? 80 81 A deeper example can be found in 82 [this file](// from the repository root. 83 84 Development 85 ----------- 86 You can [browse](// its source code repository or get a 87 copy using the following command: 88 89 git clone 90 91 Download 92 -------- 93 * [sent-1](// (20170904)