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st-autocomplete-20211218-131244-st-0.8.4-testrelease.diff (19768B)

      1 diff -uraN st-0.8.4/autocomplete.h st-autocomplete/autocomplete.h
      2 --- st-0.8.4/autocomplete.h	1970-01-01 04:00:00.000000000 +0400
      3 +++ st-autocomplete/autocomplete.h	2021-12-18 10:56:10.545143280 +0400
      4 @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
      5 +# ifndef __ST_AUTOCOMPLETE_H
      6 +# define __ST_AUTOCOMPLETE_H
      7 +
      8 +enum {
     10 +	ACMPL_WORD,
     11 +	ACMPL_WWORD,
     14 +	ACMPL_FUZZY,
     15 +	ACMPL_SUFFIX,
     17 +	ACMPL_UNDO,
     18 +};
     19 +
     20 +# endif // __ST_AUTOCOMPLETE_H
     21 diff -uraN st-0.8.4/config.def.h st-autocomplete/config.def.h
     22 --- st-0.8.4/config.def.h	2021-12-18 10:56:10.545143280 +0400
     23 +++ st-autocomplete/config.def.h	2021-12-18 10:56:10.545143280 +0400
     24 @@ -168,6 +168,8 @@
     25   */
     26  static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
     28 +# include "autocomplete.h"
     29 +
     30  /*
     31   * Internal mouse shortcuts.
     32   * Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
     33 @@ -199,6 +201,14 @@
     34  	{ TERMMOD,              XK_Y,           selpaste,       {.i =  0} },
     35  	{ ShiftMask,            XK_Insert,      selpaste,       {.i =  0} },
     36  	{ TERMMOD,              XK_Num_Lock,    numlock,        {.i =  0} },
     37 +	{ ControlMask|Mod1Mask, XK_slash,       autocomplete,   { .i = ACMPL_WORD        } },
     38 +	{ ControlMask|Mod1Mask, XK_period,      autocomplete,   { .i = ACMPL_FUZZY_WORD  } },
     39 +	{ ControlMask|Mod1Mask, XK_comma,       autocomplete,   { .i = ACMPL_FUZZY       } },
     40 +	{ ControlMask|Mod1Mask, XK_apostrophe,  autocomplete,   { .i = ACMPL_SUFFIX      } },
     41 +	{ ControlMask|Mod1Mask, XK_semicolon,   autocomplete,   { .i = ACMPL_SURROUND    } },
     42 +	{ ControlMask|Mod1Mask, XK_bracketright,autocomplete,   { .i = ACMPL_WWORD       } },
     43 +	{ ControlMask|Mod1Mask, XK_bracketleft, autocomplete,   { .i = ACMPL_FUZZY_WWORD } },
     44 +	{ ControlMask|Mod1Mask, XK_equal,       autocomplete,   { .i = ACMPL_UNDO        } },
     45  };
     47  /*
     48 diff -uraN st-0.8.4/Makefile st-autocomplete/Makefile
     49 --- st-0.8.4/Makefile	2021-12-18 10:56:10.545143280 +0400
     50 +++ st-autocomplete/Makefile	2021-12-18 10:56:10.545143280 +0400
     51 @@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
     52  	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
     53  	cp -f st $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
     54  	chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st
     55 +	cp -f st-autocomplete $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
     56 +	chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st-autocomplete
     57  	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1
     58  	sed "s/VERSION/$(VERSION)/g" < st.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
     59  	chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
     60 @@ -52,6 +54,7 @@
     62  uninstall:
     63  	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st
     64 +	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st-autocomplete
     65  	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
     67  .PHONY: all options clean dist install uninstall
     68 diff -uraN st-0.8.4/st-autocomplete st-autocomplete/st-autocomplete
     69 --- st-0.8.4/st-autocomplete	1970-01-01 04:00:00.000000000 +0400
     70 +++ st-autocomplete/st-autocomplete	2021-12-18 12:42:16.841949553 +0400
     71 @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
     72 +#!/usr/bin/perl
     73 +#########################################################################
     74 +# Copyright (C) 2012-2021  Wojciech Siewierski, Gaspar Vardanyan        #
     75 +#                                                                       #
     76 +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  #
     77 +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  #
     78 +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     #
     79 +# (at your option) any later version.                                   #
     80 +#                                                                       #
     81 +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       #
     82 +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        #
     84 +# GNU General Public License for more details.                          #
     85 +#                                                                       #
     86 +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     #
     87 +# along with this program.  If not, see <>. #
     88 +#########################################################################
     89 +
     90 +my ($cmd, $cursor_row, $cursor_column) = @ARGV;
     91 +
     92 +# A reference to a function that transforms the completed word
     93 +# into a regex matching the completions. Usually generated by
     94 +# generate_matcher().
     95 +#
     96 +# For example
     97 +#   $fun = generate_matcher(".*");
     98 +#   $fun->("foo");
     99 +# would return "f.*o.*o"
    100 +#
    101 +# In other words, indirectly decides which characters can
    102 +# appear in the completion.
    103 +my $matcher;
    104 +
    105 +# A regular expression matching a character before each match.
    106 +# For example, it you want to match the text after a
    107 +# whitespace, set it to "\s".
    108 +my $char_class_before;
    109 +
    110 +# A regular expression matching every character in the entered
    111 +# text that will be used to find matching completions. Usually
    112 +# "\w" or similar.
    113 +my $char_class_to_complete;
    114 +
    115 +# A regular expression matching every allowed last character
    116 +# of the completion (uses greedy matching).
    117 +my $char_class_at_end;
    118 +
    119 +if ($cmd eq 'word-complete') {
    120 +	# Basic word completion. Completes the current word
    121 +	# without any special matching.
    122 +	$char_class_before      = '[^-\w]';
    123 +	$matcher                = sub { quotemeta shift }; # identity
    124 +	$char_class_at_end      = '[-\w]';
    125 +	$char_class_to_complete = '[-\w]';
    126 +} elsif ($cmd eq 'WORD-complete') {
    127 +	# The same as above but in the Vim meaning of a "WORD" --
    128 +	# whitespace delimited.
    129 +	$char_class_before      = '\s';
    130 +	$matcher                = sub { quotemeta shift };
    131 +	$char_class_at_end      = '\S';
    132 +	$char_class_to_complete = '\S';
    133 +} elsif ($cmd eq 'fuzzy-word-complete' ||
    134 +		 $cmd eq 'skeleton-word-complete') {
    135 +	# Fuzzy completion of the current word.
    136 +	$char_class_before      = '[^-\w]';
    137 +	$matcher                = generate_matcher('[-\w]*');
    138 +	$char_class_at_end      = '[-\w]';
    139 +	$char_class_to_complete = '[-\w]';
    140 +} elsif ($cmd eq 'fuzzy-WORD-complete') {
    141 +	# Fuzzy completion of the current WORD.
    142 +	$char_class_before      = '\s';
    143 +	$matcher                = generate_matcher('\S*');
    144 +	$char_class_at_end      = '\S';
    145 +	$char_class_to_complete = '\S';
    146 +} elsif ($cmd eq 'fuzzy-complete' ||
    147 +		 $cmd eq 'skeleton-complete') {
    148 +	# Fuzzy completion of an arbitrary text.
    149 +	$char_class_before      = '\W';
    150 +	$matcher                = generate_matcher('.*?');
    151 +	$char_class_at_end      = '\w';
    152 +	$char_class_to_complete = '\S';
    153 +} elsif ($cmd eq 'suffix-complete') {
    154 +	# Fuzzy completion of an completing suffixes, like
    155 +	# completing test=hello from /blah/hello.
    156 +	$char_class_before      = '\S';
    157 +	$matcher                = generate_matcher('\S*');
    158 +	$char_class_at_end      = '\S';
    159 +	$char_class_to_complete = '\S';
    160 +} elsif ($cmd eq 'surround-complete') {
    161 +	# Completing contents of quotes and braces.
    162 +
    163 +	# Here we are using three named groups: s, b, p for quotes, braces
    164 +	# and parenthesis.
    165 +	$char_class_before      = '((?<q>["\'`])|(?<b>\[)|(?<p>\())';
    166 +
    167 +	$matcher                = generate_matcher('.*?');
    168 +
    169 +	# Here we match text till enclosing pair, using perl conditionals in
    170 +	# regexps (?(condition)yes-expression|no-expression).
    171 +	# \0 is used to hack concatenation with '*' later in the code.
    172 +	$char_class_at_end      = '.*?(.(?=(?(<b>)\]|((?(<p>)\)|\g{q})))))\0';
    173 +	$char_class_to_complete = '\S';
    174 +}
    175 +
    176 +my $lines = [];
    177 +
    178 +my $last_line = -1;
    179 +my $lines_after_cursor = 0;
    180 +
    181 +while (<STDIN>)
    182 +{
    183 +	$last_line++;
    184 +
    185 +	if ($last_line <= $cursor_row)
    186 +	{
    187 +		push @{$lines}, $_;
    188 +	}
    189 +	else
    190 +	{
    191 +		unshift @{$lines}, $_;
    192 +		$lines_after_cursor++;
    193 +	}
    194 +}
    195 +
    196 +$cursor_row = $last_line;
    197 +
    198 +# read the word behind the cursor
    199 +$_ = substr(@{$lines} [$cursor_row], 0, $cursor_column); # get the current line up to the cursor...
    200 +s/.*?($char_class_to_complete*)$/$1/;                 # ...and read the last word from it
    201 +my $word_to_complete = quotemeta;
    202 +
    203 +# ignore the completed word itself
    204 +$self->{already_completed}{$word_to_complete} = 1;
    205 +
    206 +print stdout "$word_to_complete\n";
    207 +
    208 +# search for matches
    209 +while (my $completion = find_match($self,
    210 +                                        $word_to_complete,
    211 +                                        $self->{next_row} // $cursor_row,
    212 +                                        $matcher->($word_to_complete),
    213 +                                        $char_class_before,
    214 +                                        $char_class_at_end)
    215 +) {
    216 +	calc_match_coords($self,
    217 +					$self->{next_row}+1,
    218 +					$completion);
    219 +	print stdout "$completion @{$self->{highlight}}\n";
    220 +}
    221 +
    222 +leave($self);
    223 +
    224 +
    225 +
    226 +######################################################################
    227 +
    228 +# Finds the next matching completion in the row current row or above
    229 +# while skipping duplicates using skip_duplicates().
    230 +sub find_match {
    231 +    my ($self, $word_to_match, $current_row, $regexp, $char_class_before, $char_class_at_end) = @_;
    232 +    $self->{matches_in_row} //= [];
    233 +
    234 +    # cycle through all the matches in the current row if not starting a new search
    235 +    if (@{$self->{matches_in_row}}) {
    236 +        return skip_duplicates($self, $word_to_match, $current_row, $regexp, $char_class_before, $char_class_at_end);
    237 +    }
    238 +
    239 +
    240 +    my $i;
    241 +    # search through all the rows starting with current one or one above the last checked
    242 +    for ($i = $current_row; $i >= 0; --$i) {
    243 +        my $line = @{$lines} [$i];   # get the line of text from the row
    244 +
    245 +        if ($i == $cursor_row) {
    246 +            $line = substr $line, 0, $cursor_column;
    247 +        }
    248 +
    249 +        $_ = $line;
    250 +
    251 +        # find all the matches in the current line
    252 +        my $match;
    253 +        push @{$self->{matches_in_row}}, $+{match} while ($_, $match) = /
    254 +                                                                         (.*${char_class_before})
    255 +                                                                         (?<match>
    256 +                                                                             ${regexp}
    257 +                                                                             ${char_class_at_end}*
    258 +                                                                         )
    259 +                                                                     /ix;
    260 +        # corner case: match at the very beginning of line
    261 +        push @{$self->{matches_in_row}}, $+{match} if $line =~ /^(${char_class_before}){0}(?<match>$regexp$char_class_at_end*)/i;
    262 +
    263 +        if (@{$self->{matches_in_row}}) {
    264 +            # remember which row should be searched next
    265 +            $self->{next_row} = --$i;
    266 +
    267 +            # arguments needed for find_match() mutual recursion
    268 +            return skip_duplicates($self, $word_to_match, $i, $regexp, $char_class_before, $char_class_at_end);
    269 +        }
    270 +    }
    271 +
    272 +    # no more possible completions, revert to the original word
    273 +    $self->{next_row} = -1 if $i < 0;
    274 +
    275 +    return undef;
    276 +}
    277 +
    278 +######################################################################
    279 +
    280 +# Checks whether the completion found by find_match() was already
    281 +# found and if it was, calls find_match() again to find the next
    282 +# completion.
    283 +#
    284 +# Takes all the arguments that find_match() would take, to make a
    285 +# mutually recursive call.
    286 +sub skip_duplicates {
    287 +    my $self = $_[0];
    288 +	my $current_row = $_[2];
    289 +	my $completion;
    290 +	if ($current_row >= $lines_after_cursor)
    291 +	{
    292 +		$completion = shift @{$self->{matches_in_row}}; # get the rightmost one
    293 +	}
    294 +	else
    295 +	{
    296 +		$completion = pop @{$self->{matches_in_row}}; # get the rightmost one
    297 +	}
    298 +
    299 +    # check for duplicates
    300 +    if (exists $self->{already_completed}{$completion}) {
    301 +        # skip this completion
    302 +        return find_match(@_);
    303 +    } else {
    304 +        $self->{already_completed}{$completion} = 1;
    305 +        return $completion;
    306 +    }
    307 +}
    308 +
    309 +######################################################################
    310 +
    311 +# Returns a function that takes a string and returns that string with
    312 +# this function's argument inserted between its every two characters.
    313 +# The resulting string is used as a regular expression matching the
    314 +# completion candidates.
    315 +sub generate_matcher {
    316 +    my $regex_between = shift;
    317 +
    318 +    sub {
    319 +        $_ = shift;
    320 +
    321 +        # sorry for this lispy code, I couldn't resist ;)
    322 +        (join "$regex_between",
    323 +         (map quotemeta,
    324 +          (split //)))
    325 +    }
    326 +}
    327 +
    328 +######################################################################
    329 +
    330 +sub calc_match_coords {
    331 +    my ($self, $linenum, $completion) = @_;
    332 +
    333 +    my $line = @{$lines} [$linenum];
    334 +    my $re = quotemeta $completion;
    335 +
    336 +    $line =~ /$re/;
    337 +
    338 +	#my ($beg_row, $beg_col) = $line->coord_of($-[0]);
    339 +	#my ($end_row, $end_col) = $line->coord_of($+[0]);
    340 +	my $beg = $-[0];
    341 +	my $end = $+[0];
    342 +
    343 +    if (exists $self->{highlight}) {
    344 +        delete $self->{highlight};
    345 +    }
    346 +    # () # TODO: what does () do in perl ????
    347 +
    348 +	if ($linenum >= $lines_after_cursor)
    349 +	{
    350 +		$linenum -= $lines_after_cursor;
    351 +	}
    352 +	else
    353 +	{
    354 +		$linenum = $last_line - $linenum;
    355 +	}
    356 +
    357 +	# ACMPL_ISSUE: multi-line completions don't work
    358 +    # $self->{highlight} = [$beg_row, $beg_col, $end_row, $end_col];
    359 +    $self->{highlight} = [$linenum, $beg, $end];
    360 +}
    361 +
    362 +######################################################################
    363 +
    364 +sub leave {
    365 +    my ($self) = @_;
    366 +
    367 +    delete $self->{next_row};
    368 +    delete $self->{matches_in_row};
    369 +    delete $self->{already_completed};
    370 +    delete $self->{highlight};
    371 +}
    372 diff -uraN st-0.8.4/st.c st-autocomplete/st.c
    373 --- st-0.8.4/st.c	2021-12-18 10:56:10.545143280 +0400
    374 +++ st-autocomplete/st.c	2021-12-18 13:02:28.898642717 +0400
    375 @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
    376  #include <unistd.h>
    377  #include <wchar.h>
    379 +#include "autocomplete.h"
    380  #include "st.h"
    381  #include "win.h"
    383 @@ -2476,6 +2477,9 @@
    384  		return;
    385  	}
    387 +	if ( row < term.row  || col < term.col )
    388 +		autocomplete ((const Arg []) { ACMPL_DEACTIVATE });
    389 +
    390  	/*
    391  	 * slide screen to keep cursor where we expect it -
    392  	 * tscrollup would work here, but we can optimize to
    393 @@ -2595,3 +2599,216 @@
    394  	tfulldirt();
    395  	draw();
    396  }
    397 +
    398 +void autocomplete (const Arg * arg)
    399 +{
    400 +	static _Bool active = 0;
    401 +
    402 +	int acmpl_cmdindex = arg -> i;
    403 +
    404 +	static int acmpl_cmdindex_prev;
    405 +
    406 +	if (active == 0)
    407 +		acmpl_cmdindex_prev = acmpl_cmdindex;
    408 +
    409 +	static const char * const (acmpl_cmd []) = {
    411 +		[ACMPL_WORD]		= "word-complete",
    412 +		[ACMPL_WWORD]		= "WORD-complete",
    413 +		[ACMPL_FUZZY_WORD]	= "fuzzy-word-complete",
    414 +		[ACMPL_FUZZY_WWORD]	= "fuzzy-WORD-complete",
    415 +		[ACMPL_FUZZY]		= "fuzzy-complete",
    416 +		[ACMPL_SUFFIX]		= "suffix-complete",
    417 +		[ACMPL_SURROUND]	= "surround-complete",
    418 +		[ACMPL_UNDO]		= "__UNDO__",
    419 +	};
    420 +
    421 +	static char acmpl [1000];		// ACMPL_ISSUE: why 1000?
    422 +
    423 +	static FILE * acmpl_exec = NULL;
    424 +	static int acmpl_status;
    425 +
    426 +	static const char * stbuffile;
    427 +	static char target [1000];		// ACMPL_ISSUE: why 1000? dynamically allocate char array of size term.col
    428 +	static size_t targetlen;
    429 +
    430 +	static char completion [1000] = {0};		// ACMPL_ISSUE: why 1000? dynamically allocate char array of size term.col
    431 +	static size_t complen_prev = 0;		// NOTE: always clear this variable after clearing completion
    432 +
    433 +	static int cx, cy;
    434 +
    435 +// Check for deactivation
    436 +
    437 +	if (acmpl_cmdindex == ACMPL_DEACTIVATE)
    438 +	{
    439 +
    440 +//     Deactivate autocomplete mode keeping current completion
    441 +
    442 +		if (active)
    443 +		{
    444 +			active = 0;
    445 +			pclose (acmpl_exec);
    446 +			remove (stbuffile);
    447 +
    448 +			if (complen_prev)
    449 +			{
    450 +				selclear ();
    451 +				complen_prev = 0;
    452 +			}
    453 +		}
    454 +
    455 +		return;
    456 +	}
    457 +
    458 +// Check for undo
    459 +
    460 +	if (acmpl_cmdindex == ACMPL_UNDO)
    461 +	{
    462 +
    463 +//     Deactivate autocomplete mode recovering target
    464 +
    465 +		if (active)
    466 +		{
    467 +			active = 0;
    468 +			pclose (acmpl_exec);
    469 +			remove (stbuffile);
    470 +
    471 +			if (complen_prev)
    472 +			{
    473 +				selclear ();
    474 +				for (size_t i = 0; i < complen_prev; i++)
    475 +					ttywrite ((char []) { '\b' }, 1, 1);	// ACMPL_ISSUE: I'm not sure that this is the right way
    476 +				complen_prev = 0;
    477 +				ttywrite (target, targetlen, 0);		// ACMPL_ISSUE: I'm not sure that this is a right solution
    478 +			}
    479 +		}
    480 +
    481 +		return;
    482 +	}
    483 +
    484 +// Check for command change
    485 +
    486 +	if (acmpl_cmdindex != acmpl_cmdindex_prev)
    487 +	{
    488 +
    489 +//     If command is changed, goto acmpl_begin avoiding rewriting st buffer
    490 +
    491 +		if (active)
    492 +		{
    493 +			acmpl_cmdindex_prev = acmpl_cmdindex;
    494 +
    495 +			goto acmpl_begin;
    496 +		}
    497 +	}
    498 +
    499 +// If not active
    500 +
    501 +	if (active == 0)
    502 +	{
    503 +		acmpl_cmdindex_prev = acmpl_cmdindex;
    504 +		cx = term.c.x;
    505 +		cy = term.c.y;
    506 +
    507 +//     Write st buffer to a temp file
    508 +
    509 +		stbuffile = tmpnam (NULL);		// check for return value ...
    510 +										// ACMPL_ISSUE: use coprocesses instead of temp files
    511 +
    512 +		FILE * stbuf = fopen (stbuffile, "w"); // check for opening error ...
    513 +		char * stbufline = malloc (term.col + 2); // check for allocating error ...
    514 +
    515 +		for (size_t y = 0; y < term.row; y++)
    516 +		{
    517 +			size_t x = 0;
    518 +			for (; x < term.col; x++)
    519 +				utf8encode (term.line [y] [x].u, stbufline + x);
    520 +			stbufline [x] = '\n';
    521 +			stbufline [x + 1] = 0;
    522 +			fputs (stbufline, stbuf);
    523 +		}
    524 +
    525 +		free (stbufline);
    526 +		fclose (stbuf);
    527 +
    528 +acmpl_begin:
    529 +
    530 +//     Run st-autocomplete
    531 +
    532 +		sprintf (
    533 +			acmpl,
    534 +			"cat %100s | st-autocomplete %500s %d %d",	// ACMPL_ISSUE: why 100 and 500?
    535 +			stbuffile,
    536 +			acmpl_cmd [acmpl_cmdindex],
    537 +			cy,
    538 +			cx
    539 +		);
    540 +
    541 +		acmpl_exec = popen (acmpl, "r");		// ACMPL_ISSUE: popen isn't defined by The Standard. Does it work in BSDs for example?
    542 +												// check for popen error ...
    543 +
    544 +//     Read the target, targetlen
    545 +
    546 +		fscanf (acmpl_exec, "%500s\n", target); // check for scanning error ...
    547 +		targetlen = strlen (target);
    548 +	}
    549 +
    550 +// Read a completion if exists (acmpl_status)
    551 +
    552 +	unsigned line, beg, end;
    553 +
    554 +	acmpl_status = fscanf (acmpl_exec, "%500s %u %u %u\n", completion, & line, & beg, & end);
    555 +												// ACMPL_ISSUE: why 500? use term.col instead
    556 +
    557 +// Exit if no completions found
    558 +
    559 +	if (active == 0 && acmpl_status == EOF)
    560 +	{
    561 +
    562 +//    Close st-autocomplete and exit without activating the autocomplete mode
    563 +
    564 +		pclose (acmpl_exec);
    565 +		remove (stbuffile);
    566 +		return;
    567 +	}
    568 +
    569 +// If completions found, enable autocomplete mode and autocomplete the target
    570 +
    571 +	active = 1;
    572 +
    573 +// Clear target before first completion
    574 +
    575 +	if (complen_prev == 0)
    576 +	{
    577 +		for (size_t i = 0; i < targetlen; i++)
    578 +			ttywrite ((char []) { '\b' }, 1, 1);	// ACMPL_ISSUE: I'm not sure that this is a right solution
    579 +	}
    580 +
    581 +// Clear previuos completion if this is not the first
    582 +
    583 +	else
    584 +	{
    585 +		selclear ();
    586 +		for (size_t i = 0; i < complen_prev; i++)
    587 +			ttywrite ((char []) { '\b' }, 1, 1);	// ACMPL_ISSUE: I'm not sure that this is a right solution
    588 +		complen_prev = 0;
    589 +	}
    590 +
    591 +// If no more completions found, reset and restart
    592 +
    593 +	if (acmpl_status == EOF)
    594 +	{
    595 +		active = 0;
    596 +		pclose (acmpl_exec);
    597 +		ttywrite (target, targetlen, 0);
    598 +		goto acmpl_begin;
    599 +	}
    600 +
    601 +// Read the new completion and autcomplete
    602 +
    603 +	selstart (beg, line, 0);
    604 +	selextend (end - 1, line, 1, 0);
    605 +	xsetsel (getsel ());
    606 +
    607 +	complen_prev = strlen (completion);
    608 +	ttywrite (completion, complen_prev, 0);
    609 +}
    610 diff -uraN st-0.8.4/st.h st-autocomplete/st.h
    611 --- st-0.8.4/st.h	2021-12-18 10:56:10.545143280 +0400
    612 +++ st-autocomplete/st.h	2021-12-18 10:56:10.545143280 +0400
    613 @@ -77,6 +77,8 @@
    614  	const char *s;
    615  } Arg;
    617 +void autocomplete (const Arg *);
    618 +
    619  void die(const char *, ...);
    620  void redraw(void);
    621  void draw(void);
    622 diff -uraN st-0.8.4/x.c st-autocomplete/x.c
    623 --- st-0.8.4/x.c	2021-12-18 10:56:10.545143280 +0400
    624 +++ st-autocomplete/x.c	2021-12-18 10:56:10.545143280 +0400
    625 @@ -1803,11 +1803,15 @@
    626  	/* 1. shortcuts */
    627  	for (bp = shortcuts; bp < shortcuts + LEN(shortcuts); bp++) {
    628  		if (ksym == bp->keysym && match(bp->mod, e->state)) {
    629 +			if (bp -> func != autocomplete)
    630 +				autocomplete ((const Arg []) { ACMPL_DEACTIVATE });
    631  			bp->func(&(bp->arg));
    632  			return;
    633  		}
    634  	}
    636 +	autocomplete ((const Arg []) { ACMPL_DEACTIVATE });
    637 +
    638  	/* 2. custom keys from config.h */
    639  	if ((customkey = kmap(ksym, e->state))) {
    640  		ttywrite(customkey, strlen(customkey), 1);