1 SGR in status text 2 ================== 3 4 Description 5 ----------- 6 Allows the use of CSI SGR escape sequences in the status bar text to change 7 text rendition. Currently supported are: 8 9 * color changes (either 16 or 256, depending on chosen patch) 10 * alternate font (ones listed in fonts[] array) 11 * reverse, underline, strikethrough, overline 12 13 Configuration 14 ------------- 15 Download the patch and apply it according to the [general instructions](../). 16 17 Modify the barcolors definition in 'config.h' to suit your needs. For the 16 18 color version, you should have at least 16 colors defined. 19 20 Usage 21 ----- 22 Add code to your status script to output CSI SGR codes. They take the form 23 ESC[1;2;3;4m. 24 25 * 0 resets all formatting 26 * 1 makes text bright (_not_ bold) 27 * 4 underlines 28 * 7 reverses 29 * 9 strike-through's 30 * 10-19 alternate font 31 * 53 overlines 32 * 30-37 sets foreground color 33 * 40-47 sets background color 34 35 In addition the 256 color version allows the use of: `ESC[38;5;123m` to set 36 foreground to color 123 (48 changes background). 37 38 ### Example 39 40 With slstatus, you can have your date in bright red using: 41 42 { datetime, "\033[1;31m%s\e[0m", "%F %T" }, 43 44 For a more pointless example, you could combine slstatus -s with 45 [nyancat]( 46 47 slstatus -s | nyancat -2 | while read l; do xsetroot -name "$l"; done 48 49 And you'll get something like . 50 51 Download 52 -------- 53 * [dwm-sgrstatus-20220223-6.3.diff](dwm-sgrstatus-20220223-6.3.diff) 54 55 For 256 color support, apply the following on top: 56 57 * [dwm-sgrstatus256-20220223-6.3.diff](dwm-sgrstatus256-20220223-6.3.diff) 58 59 Authors 60 ------- 61 * Santtu Lakkala - <>