dbdb.sh (743B)
1 #!/bin/sh 2 # dmenu-based directory browser 3 # to run from terminal: 4 # source /path/to/dbdb.sh 5 # or bind it to shortcut: 6 # echo bind \'\"\\C-o\":\"source /path/to/dbdb.sh\\n\"\' >> ~/.bashrc 7 8 chosen="placeholder" 9 10 while [ ! -z "$chosen" ]; do 11 DIRs=$( ls -a1p | grep -P '^\w[^\$/]+/$' | awk -vRS="\n" -vORS="\t" '1') 12 DOTDs=$( ls -a1p | grep -P '^\.[^\$/]+/$' | awk -vRS="\n" -vORS="\t" '1') 13 FILEs=$( ls -a1p | grep -P '^\w[^\$/]+$' | awk -vRS="\n" -vORS=" \t" '1') 14 DOTFs=$( ls -a1p | grep -P '^\.[^\$/]+$' | awk -vRS="\n" -vORS=" \t" '1') 15 clear && printf "\e[1;7;33m $(pwd) \e[0m\n$FILEs\n\e[0;38;5;238m$DOTFs\e[0m\n" 16 chosen=`( ( echo -e "$DIRs$DOTDs" | awk -vRS="\t" -vORS="\n" '1' ) | dmenu -i )` 17 cd "$chosen" 18 done