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      1 Bookmarks for surf
      2 ==================
      4 Description
      5 -----------
      7 This script enables bookmarks, url handlers, and history (find and url entries) for surf.
      8 NB: This script obviates the need to patch surf at all with, e.g., the history or the url handlers patches!
     10 Keybindings
     11 -----------
     12 	^I (get some information)
     13 	^b (bookmark current url with given tags)
     14 	^g (open url with bookmark autocompletion)
     15 	^G (open url without bookmark autocompletion)
     17 URL handlers
     18 ------------
     19 	This script implements several url handlers
     20 	"d " (bookmark current url in delicious)
     21 	"t " (create tinyurl from current page)
     22 	"w word .." (lookup word in wikipedia)
     23 	"g word .." (google for given word)
     24 	"y word .." (search in youtube)
     25 	"x word .." (remove an entry from the bookmarks file)
     27 Author
     28 ------
     30 * The code was originally from Peter John Hartman, then filtered through pancake and nibble (see their bmarks) 
     31   and now back to Peter John Hartman.  You can get the latest version at
     33 Installation
     34 ------------
     36 Copy the following code into a shellscript named '' in $PATH. Edit config.h according to the rules explained in header.
     38 Code
     39 ----
     40 	#!/bin/sh
     41 	# v. 2.0 - upgrade based on surf 4.0
     42 	# Creative Commons License.  Peter John Hartman (
     43 	# Much thanks to nibble and pancake who have a different script available which
     44 	# doesn't do the history bit.
     45 	#
     46 	# this script does:
     47 	# * stores history of: (1) successful uri entries; (2) certain smart prefix entries, e.g., "g foobar"; (3) find entries
     48 	# * direct bookmark (via ^b)
     49 	# * information debug (via ^I)
     50 	# * smart prefixes e.g. g for google search, t for tinyurl, etc.
     51 	# * delete (with smart prefix x)
     52 	#
     53 	# $1 = $xid
     54 	# $2 = $p = _SURF_FIND _SURF_BMARK _SURF_URI (what SETPROP sets in config.h)
     55 	#
     56 	# // replace default setprop with this one
     57 	# #define SETPROP(p) { .v = (char *[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", " $0 $1 $2", p, q, winid, NULL } }
     58 	#
     59 	# { MODKEY, GDK_b, spawn, SETPROP("_SURF_BMARK") },
     60 	# { MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_i, spawn, SETPROP("_SURF_INFO") },
     61 	# { MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_g, spawn, SETPROP("_SURF_URI_RAW") },
     63 	font='-*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'
     64 	normbgcolor='#181818'
     65 	normfgcolor='#e9e9e9'
     66 	selbgcolor=$normbgcolor
     67 	selfgcolor='#dd6003'
     68 	bmarks=~/.surf/history.txt
     69 	ffile=~/.surf/find.txt 
     71 	pid=$1
     72 	fid=$2
     73 	xid=$3
     75 	dmenu="dmenu -nb $normbgcolor -nf $normfgcolor \
     76 		   -sb $selbgcolor -sf $selfgcolor"
     78 	s_get_prop() { # xprop
     79 		xprop -id $xid $1 | cut -d '"' -f 2
     80 	}
     82 	s_set_prop() { # xprop value
     83 		[ -n "$2" ] && xprop -id $xid -f $1 8s -set $1 "$2"
     84 	}
     86 	s_write_f() { # file value
     87 		[ -n "$2" ] && (sed -i "\|$2|d" $1; echo "$2" >> $1)
     88 		#grep "$uri" $bmarks >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "$uri" >> $bmarks
     89 	}
     91 	s_set_write_proper_uri() { # uri
     92 		# TODO: (xprop -spy _SURF_URI ... | while read name __ value; do echo $value; done works quite nice for eventloops)
     93 		# input is whatever the use inputed, so don't store that!
     94 		# first, clear the name field because surf doesn't sometimes
     95 		#s_set_prop WM_ICON_NAME ""
     96 		# set the uri
     97 		s_set_prop _SURF_GO "$1"
     98 		# get the new name
     99 		name=`s_get_prop WM_ICON_NAME`
    100 		# loop until the [10%] stuff is finished and we have a load (is this necessary?)
    101 		#while echo $name | grep "[*%\]" >/dev/null 2>&1; do 
    102 		#	name=`s_get_prop WM_ICON_NAME`
    103 		#done 
    104 		# bail on error and don't store
    105 		#if [[ $name != "Error" ]]; then
    106 		#	uri=`s_get_prop _SURF_URI`
    107 			# store to the bmarks file the OFFICIAL url (with http://whatever)
    108 			s_write_f $bmarks "$1"
    109 			#grep "$uri" $bmarks >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "$uri" >> $bmarks
    110 		#fi
    111 	}
    113 	case "$pid" in
    114 	"_SURF_INFO")
    115 		xprop -id $xid | sed 's/\t/    /g' | $dmenu -fn "$font" -b -l 20
    116 		;;
    117 	"_SURF_FIND")
    118 		find="`tac $ffile 2>/dev/null | $dmenu -fn "$font" -b -p find:`"
    119 		s_set_prop _SURF_FIND "$find"
    120 		s_write_f $ffile "$find"
    121 		;;
    122 	"_SURF_BMARK")
    123 		uri=`s_get_prop _SURF_URI`
    124 		s_write_f $bmarks "$uri"
    125 		;;
    126 	"_SURF_URI_RAW")
    127 		uri=`echo $(s_get_prop _SURF_URI) | $dmenu -fn "$font" -b -p "uri:"`
    128 		s_set_prop _SURF_GO "$uri"
    129 		;;
    130 	"_SURF_URI")
    131 		sel=`tac $bmarks 2> /dev/null | $dmenu -fn "$font" -b -l 5 -p "uri [dgtwuy*]:"`
    132 		[ -z "$sel" ] && exit
    133 		opt=$(echo $sel | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
    134 		arg=$(echo $sel | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)
    135 		save=0
    136 		case "$opt" in
    137 		"d") #
    138 			uri="`s_get_prop _SURF_URI`"
    139 			;;
    140 		"g") # google for it
    141 			uri="$arg"
    142 			save=1
    143 			;;
    144 		"t") # tinyurl
    145 			uri="`s_get_prop _SURF_URI`"
    146 			;;
    147 		"w") # wikipedia
    148 			uri="$arg"
    149 			save=1
    150 			;;
    151 		"u") # utoronto
    152 			uri="$arg&Ntx=mode%2Bmatchallpartial&Nu=p_work_normalized&Np=1&formName=search_form_simple"
    153 			save=1
    154 			;;
    155 		"y") # youtube
    156 			uri="$arg&aq=f"
    157 			save=1
    158 			;;
    159 		"x") # delete
    160 			sed -i "\|$arg|d" $bmarks
    161 			exit;
    162 			;;
    163 		*)
    164 			uri="$sel"
    165 			save=2
    166 			;;
    167 		esac
    169 		# only set the uri; don't write to file
    170 		[ $save -eq 0 ] && s_set_prop _SURF_GO "$uri"
    171 		# set the url and write exactly what the user inputed to the file
    172 		[ $save -eq 1 ] && (s_set_prop _SURF_GO "$uri"; s_write_f $bmarks "$sel")
    173 		# try to set the uri only if it is a success
    174 		[ $save -eq 2 ] && s_set_write_proper_uri "$uri"
    175 		;;
    176 	*)
    177 		echo Unknown xprop
    178 		;;
    179 	esac