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st-keyboard_select-0.8.2.diff (9969B)

      1 From 45cadc1ce5d8d9dd3493c2e9979e8958d87e8bc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
      2 From: Bartosz Sosna <>
      3 Date: Sat, 4 May 2019 00:28:24 +0200
      4 Subject: [PATCH] Adjust patch to version st-0.8.2
      6 ---
      7  config.def.h |   1 +
      8  st.c         | 222 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      9  st.h         |   1 +
     10  win.h        |   3 +
     11  x.c          |  15 ++++
     12  5 files changed, 242 insertions(+)
     14 diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
     15 index 482901e..c1e9cce 100644
     16 --- a/config.def.h
     17 +++ b/config.def.h
     18 @@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
     19  	{ TERMMOD,              XK_Y,           selpaste,       {.i =  0} },
     20  	{ ShiftMask,            XK_Insert,      selpaste,       {.i =  0} },
     21  	{ TERMMOD,              XK_Num_Lock,    numlock,        {.i =  0} },
     22 +    { TERMMOD,              XK_Escape,      keyboard_select,{ 0 } },
     23  };
     25  /*
     26 diff --git a/st.c b/st.c
     27 index ede7ae6..c2116b2 100644
     28 --- a/st.c
     29 +++ b/st.c
     30 @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
     31  #include <termios.h>
     32  #include <unistd.h>
     33  #include <wchar.h>
     34 +#include <X11/keysym.h>
     35 +#include <X11/X.h>
     37  #include "st.h"
     38  #include "win.h"
     39 @@ -2464,6 +2466,9 @@ tresize(int col, int row)
     40  	int *bp;
     41  	TCursor c;
     43 +	if ( row < term.row  || col < term.col )
     44 +        toggle_winmode(trt_kbdselect(XK_Escape, NULL, 0));
     45 +
     46  	if (col < 1 || row < 1) {
     47  		fprintf(stderr,
     48  		        "tresize: error resizing to %dx%d\n", col, row);
     49 @@ -2586,3 +2591,220 @@ redraw(void)
     50  	tfulldirt();
     51  	draw();
     52  }
     53 +
     54 +void set_notifmode(int type, KeySym ksym) {
     55 +    static char *lib[] = { " MOVE ", " SEL  "};
     56 +    static Glyph *g, *deb, *fin;
     57 +    static int col, bot;
     58 +
     59 +    if ( ksym == -1 ) {
     60 +        free(g);
     61 +        col = term.col, bot =;
     62 +        g = xmalloc(col * sizeof(Glyph));
     63 +        memcpy(g, term.line[bot], col * sizeof(Glyph));
     64 +    
     65 +    }
     66 +    else if ( ksym == -2 )
     67 +        memcpy(term.line[bot], g, col * sizeof(Glyph));
     68 +
     69 +    if ( type < 2 ) {
     70 +        char *z = lib[type];
     71 +        for (deb = &term.line[bot][col - 6], fin = &term.line[bot][col]; deb < fin; z++, deb++)
     72 +            deb->mode = ATTR_REVERSE,
     73 +            deb->u = *z,
     74 +            deb->fg = defaultfg, deb->bg = defaultbg;
     75 +    }
     76 +    else if ( type < 5 )
     77 +        memcpy(term.line[bot], g, col * sizeof(Glyph));
     78 +    else {
     79 +        for (deb = &term.line[bot][0], fin = &term.line[bot][col]; deb < fin; deb++)
     80 +            deb->mode = ATTR_REVERSE,
     81 +            deb->u = ' ',
     82 +            deb->fg = defaultfg, deb->bg = defaultbg;
     83 +        term.line[bot][0].u = ksym;
     84 +    }
     85 +
     86 +    term.dirty[bot] = 1;
     87 +    drawregion(0, bot, col, bot + 1);
     88 +}
     89 +
     90 +void select_or_drawcursor(int selectsearch_mode, int type) {
     91 +    int done = 0;
     92 +
     93 +    if ( selectsearch_mode & 1 ) {
     94 +        selextend(term.c.x, term.c.y, type, done);
     95 +        xsetsel(getsel());
     96 +    }
     97 +    else
     98 +        xdrawcursor(term.c.x, term.c.y, term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x],
     99 +                    term.ocx, term.ocy, term.line[term.ocy][term.ocx]);
    100 +}
    101 +
    102 +void search(int selectsearch_mode, Rune *target, int ptarget, int incr, int type, TCursor *cu) {
    103 +    Rune *r;
    104 +    int i, bound = (term.col * cu->y + cu->x) * (incr > 0) + incr;
    105 +
    106 +    for (i = term.col * term.c.y + term.c.x + incr; i != bound; i += incr) {
    107 +        for (r = target; r - target < ptarget; r++) {
    108 +            if ( *r == term.line[(i + r - target) / term.col][(i + r - target) % term.col].u ) {
    109 +                if ( r - target == ptarget - 1 )     break;
    110 +            } else {
    111 +                r = NULL;
    112 +                break;
    113 +            }
    114 +        }
    115 +        if ( r != NULL )    break;
    116 +    }
    117 +        
    118 +    if ( i != bound ) {
    119 +        term.c.y = i / term.col, term.c.x = i % term.col;
    120 +        select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type);
    121 +    }
    122 +}
    123 +
    124 +int trt_kbdselect(KeySym ksym, char *buf, int len) {
    125 +    static TCursor cu;
    126 +    static Rune target[64];
    127 +    static int type = 1, ptarget, in_use;
    128 +    static int sens, quant;
    129 +    static char selectsearch_mode;
    130 +    int i, bound, *xy;
    131 +    
    132 +    
    133 +    if ( selectsearch_mode & 2 ) {
    134 +		if ( ksym == XK_Return ) {
    135 +			selectsearch_mode ^= 2;
    136 +			set_notifmode(selectsearch_mode, -2);
    137 +            if ( ksym == XK_Escape )    ptarget = 0;
    138 +			return 0;
    139 +		}
    140 +        else if ( ksym == XK_BackSpace ) {
    141 +            if ( !ptarget )     return 0;
    142 +            term.line[][ptarget--].u = ' ';
    143 +		}
    144 +        else if ( len < 1 ) {
    145 +			return 0;
    146 +		}
    147 +        else if ( ptarget == term.col  || ksym == XK_Escape ) {
    148 +            return 0;
    149 +        }
    150 +		else {
    151 +            utf8decode(buf, &target[ptarget++], len);
    152 +            term.line[][ptarget].u = target[ptarget - 1];
    153 +		}
    154 +
    155 +        if ( ksym != XK_BackSpace )
    156 +            search(selectsearch_mode, &target[0], ptarget, sens, type, &cu);
    157 +
    158 +        term.dirty[] = 1; 
    159 +        drawregion(0,, term.col, + 1);
    160 +        return 0;
    161 +    }
    162 +
    163 +    switch ( ksym ) {
    164 +    case -1 :
    165 +        in_use = 1;
    166 +        cu.x = term.c.x, cu.y = term.c.y;
    167 +        set_notifmode(0, ksym);
    168 +        return MODE_KBDSELECT;
    169 +    case XK_s :
    170 +        if ( selectsearch_mode & 1 )
    171 +            selclear();
    172 +        else
    173 +            selstart(term.c.x, term.c.y, 0);
    174 +        set_notifmode(selectsearch_mode ^= 1, ksym);
    175 +        break;
    176 +    case XK_t :
    177 +        selextend(term.c.x, term.c.y, type ^= 3, i = 0);  /* 2 fois */
    178 +        selextend(term.c.x, term.c.y, type, i = 0);
    179 +        break;
    180 +    case XK_slash :
    181 +    case XK_KP_Divide :
    182 +    case XK_question :
    183 +        ksym &= XK_question;                /* Divide to slash */
    184 +        sens = (ksym == XK_slash) ? -1 : 1;
    185 +        ptarget = 0;
    186 +        set_notifmode(15, ksym);
    187 +        selectsearch_mode ^= 2;
    188 +        break;
    189 +    case XK_Escape :
    190 +        if ( !in_use )  break;
    191 +        selclear();
    192 +    case XK_Return :
    193 +        set_notifmode(4, ksym);
    194 +        term.c.x = cu.x, term.c.y = cu.y;
    195 +        select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode = 0, type);
    196 +        in_use = quant = 0;
    197 +        return MODE_KBDSELECT;
    198 +    case XK_n :
    199 +    case XK_N :
    200 +        if ( ptarget )
    201 +            search(selectsearch_mode, &target[0], ptarget, (ksym == XK_n) ? -1 : 1, type, &cu);
    202 +        break;
    203 +    case XK_BackSpace :
    204 +        term.c.x = 0;
    205 +        select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type);
    206 +        break;
    207 +    case XK_dollar :
    208 +        term.c.x = term.col - 1;
    209 +        select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type);
    210 +        break;
    211 +    case XK_Home :
    212 +        term.c.x = 0, term.c.y = 0;
    213 +        select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type);
    214 +        break;
    215 +    case XK_End :
    216 +        term.c.x = cu.x, term.c.y = cu.y;
    217 +        select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type);
    218 +        break;
    219 +    case XK_Page_Up :
    220 +    case XK_Page_Down :
    221 +        term.c.y = (ksym == XK_Prior ) ? 0 : cu.y;
    222 +        select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type);
    223 +        break;
    224 +    case XK_exclam :
    225 +        term.c.x = term.col >> 1;
    226 +        select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type);
    227 +        break;
    228 +    case XK_asterisk :
    229 +    case XK_KP_Multiply :
    230 +        term.c.x = term.col >> 1;
    231 +    case XK_underscore :
    232 +        term.c.y = cu.y >> 1;
    233 +        select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type);
    234 +        break;
    235 +    default :
    236 +        if ( ksym >= XK_0 && ksym <= XK_9 ) {               /* 0-9 keyboard */
    237 +            quant = (quant * 10) + (ksym ^ XK_0);
    238 +            return 0;
    239 +        }
    240 +        else if ( ksym >= XK_KP_0 && ksym <= XK_KP_9 ) {    /* 0-9 numpad */
    241 +            quant = (quant * 10) + (ksym ^ XK_KP_0);
    242 +            return 0;
    243 +        }
    244 +        else if ( ksym == XK_k || ksym == XK_h )
    245 +            i = ksym & 1;
    246 +        else if ( ksym == XK_l || ksym == XK_j )
    247 +            i = ((ksym & 6) | 4) >> 1;
    248 +        else if ( (XK_Home & ksym) != XK_Home || (i = (ksym ^ XK_Home) - 1) > 3 )
    249 +            break;
    250 +
    251 +        xy = (i & 1) ? &term.c.y : &term.c.x;
    252 +        sens = (i & 2) ? 1 : -1;
    253 +        bound = (i >> 1 ^ 1) ? 0 : (i ^ 3) ? term.col - 1 :;
    254 +
    255 +        if ( quant == 0 )
    256 +            quant++;
    257 +
    258 +        if ( *xy == bound && ((sens < 0 && bound == 0) || (sens > 0 && bound > 0)) )
    259 +            break;
    260 +
    261 +        *xy += quant * sens;
    262 +        if ( *xy < 0 || ( bound > 0 && *xy > bound) )
    263 +            *xy = bound;
    264 +
    265 +        select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type);
    266 +    }
    267 +    quant = 0;
    268 +    return 0;
    269 +}
    270 diff --git a/st.h b/st.h
    271 index 4da3051..22125e4 100644
    272 --- a/st.h
    273 +++ b/st.h
    274 @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ size_t utf8encode(Rune, char *);
    275  void *xmalloc(size_t);
    276  void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
    277  char *xstrdup(char *);
    278 +int trt_kbdselect(KeySym, char *, int);
    280  /* config.h globals */
    281  extern char *utmp;
    282 diff --git a/win.h b/win.h
    283 index a6ef1b9..a240783 100644
    284 --- a/win.h
    285 +++ b/win.h
    286 @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ enum win_mode {
    287  	MODE_NUMLOCK     = 1 << 17,
    289  	                  |MODE_MOUSEMANY,
    290 +    MODE_KBDSELECT   = 1 << 18,
    291  };
    293  void xbell(void);
    294 @@ -36,4 +37,6 @@ void xsetmode(int, unsigned int);
    295  void xsetpointermotion(int);
    296  void xsetsel(char *);
    297  int xstartdraw(void);
    298 +void toggle_winmode(int);
    299 +void keyboard_select(const Arg *);
    300  void xximspot(int, int);
    301 diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
    302 index 5828a3b..5221641 100644
    303 --- a/x.c
    304 +++ b/x.c
    305 @@ -1731,6 +1731,13 @@ kpress(XEvent *ev)
    306  		return;
    308  	len = XmbLookupString(xw.xic, e, buf, sizeof buf, &ksym, &status);
    309 +    if ( IS_SET(MODE_KBDSELECT) ) {
    310 +		if ( match(XK_NO_MOD, e->state) ||
    311 +            (XK_Shift_L | XK_Shift_R) & e->state )
    312 +            win.mode ^= trt_kbdselect(ksym, buf, len);
    313 +		return;
    314 +    }
    315 +
    316  	/* 1. shortcuts */
    317  	for (bp = shortcuts; bp < shortcuts + LEN(shortcuts); bp++) {
    318  		if (ksym == bp->keysym && match(bp->mod, e->state)) {
    319 @@ -1914,6 +1921,14 @@ usage(void)
    320  	    " [stty_args ...]\n", argv0, argv0);
    321  }
    323 +void toggle_winmode(int flag) {
    324 +        win.mode ^= flag;
    325 +}
    326 +
    327 +void keyboard_select(const Arg *dummy) {
    328 +    win.mode ^= trt_kbdselect(-1, NULL, 0);
    329 +}
    330 +
    331  int
    332  main(int argc, char *argv[])
    333  {
    334 -- 
    335 2.17.1