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dwm-exitmenu-6.3.diff (3498B)

      1 diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
      2 index a2ac963..92a6a81 100644
      3 --- a/config.def.h
      4 +++ b/config.def.h
      5 @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ static char dmenumon[2] = "0"; /* component of dmenucmd, manipulated in spawn()
      6  static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-m", dmenumon, "-fn", dmenufont, "-nb", col_gray1, "-nf", col_gray3, "-sb", col_cyan, "-sf", col_gray4, NULL };
      7  static const char *termcmd[]  = { "st", NULL };
      9 +#include "exitdwm.c"
     10  static Key keys[] = {
     11  	/* modifier                     key        function        argument */
     12  	{ MODKEY,                       XK_p,      spawn,          {.v = dmenucmd } },
     13 @@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ static Key keys[] = {
     14  	TAGKEYS(                        XK_7,                      6)
     15  	TAGKEYS(                        XK_8,                      7)
     16  	TAGKEYS(                        XK_9,                      8)
     17 -	{ MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_q,      quit,           {0} },
     18 +	{ MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_e,      exitdwm,       {0} },
     19  };
     21  /* button definitions */
     22 diff --git a/exitdwm.c b/exitdwm.c
     23 new file mode 100644
     24 index 0000000..74c514f
     25 --- /dev/null
     26 +++ b/exitdwm.c
     27 @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
     28 +# include <stdio.h>
     29 +# include <string.h>
     30 +
     31 +void exitdwm ()
     32 +{
     33 +# if							   \
     34 +	defined S_LOCK				|| \
     35 +	defined S_RESTART_DWM		|| \
     36 +	defined S_OFFSCREEN			|| \
     37 +	defined S_EXIT				|| \
     38 +	defined S_REBOOT			|| \
     39 +	defined S_SHUTDOWN			|| \
     40 +	defined S_LOCK_ICON			|| \
     41 +	defined S_RESTART_DWM_ICON	|| \
     42 +	defined S_OFFSCREEN_ICON	|| \
     43 +	defined S_EXIT_ICON			|| \
     44 +	defined S_REBOOT_ICON		|| \
     45 +	defined S_SHUTDOWN_ICON		|| \
     46 +	defined S_FORMAT			|| \
     47 +	defined S_FORMAT_CLEAR
     48 +# error (conflicting macro names)
     49 +# endif
     50 +
     51 +# define S_LOCK "Lock"
     52 +# define S_RESTART_DWM "restart Dwm"
     53 +# define S_OFFSCREEN "Off-screen"
     54 +# define S_EXIT "Exit"
     55 +# define S_REBOOT "Reboot"
     56 +# define S_SHUTDOWN "Shutdown"
     57 +# define S_LOCK_ICON "\uf023"			// <= FontAwesome icons
     58 +# define S_RESTART_DWM_ICON "\uf01e"
     59 +# define S_OFFSCREEN_ICON "\uf108"
     60 +# define S_EXIT_ICON "\uf2f5"
     61 +# define S_REBOOT_ICON "\uf021"
     62 +# define S_SHUTDOWN_ICON "\uf011"
     63 +
     64 +# define S_FORMAT(ACTION) S_##ACTION##_ICON " " S_##ACTION
     65 +# define S_FORMAT_CLEAR "sed 's/^..//'"
     66 +
     67 +	FILE * exit_menu = popen (
     68 +		"echo \""
     69 +			S_FORMAT (LOCK) "\n"
     70 +			S_FORMAT (RESTART_DWM) "\n"
     71 +			S_FORMAT (OFFSCREEN) "\n"
     72 +			S_FORMAT (EXIT) "\n"
     73 +			S_FORMAT (REBOOT) "\n"
     74 +			S_FORMAT (SHUTDOWN)
     75 +			"\" | dmenu -p exit: | " S_FORMAT_CLEAR
     76 +		,
     77 +		"r"
     78 +	);
     79 +
     80 +	char exit_action [16];
     81 +
     82 +	if (
     83 +		exit_menu == NULL ||
     84 +		fscanf (exit_menu, "%15[a-zA-Z -]", exit_action) == EOF
     85 +	) {
     86 +		fputs ("Error. Failure in exit_dwm.", stderr);
     87 +		goto close_streams;
     88 +	}
     89 +
     90 +	if (strcmp (exit_action, S_LOCK) == 0) system ("slock & sleep .5; xset dpms force off");
     91 +	else if (strcmp (exit_action, S_RESTART_DWM) == 0) quit (& (const Arg) {1});
     92 +	else if (strcmp (exit_action, S_OFFSCREEN) == 0) system ("sleep .5; xset dpms force off");
     93 +	else if (strcmp (exit_action, S_EXIT) == 0) quit (& (const Arg) {0});
     94 +	else if (strcmp (exit_action, S_REBOOT) == 0) system ("systemctl reboot");
     95 +	else if (strcmp (exit_action, S_SHUTDOWN) == 0) system ("systemctl poweroff -i");
     96 +
     97 +close_streams:
     98 +	pclose (exit_menu);
     99 +
    100 +# undef S_LOCK
    101 +# undef S_RESTART_DWM
    102 +# undef S_OFFSCREEN
    103 +# undef S_EXIT
    104 +# undef S_REBOOT
    105 +# undef S_SHUTDOWN
    106 +# undef S_LOCK_ICON
    107 +# undef S_RESTART_DWM_ICON
    108 +# undef S_OFFSCREEN_ICON
    109 +# undef S_EXIT_ICON
    110 +# undef S_REBOOT_ICON
    111 +# undef S_SHUTDOWN_ICON
    112 +# undef S_FORMAT
    113 +# undef S_FORMAT_CLEAR
    114 +}