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      1 \chapter{Number theory}
      2 \label{chap:Number theory}
      4 In this chapter, you will learn about the
      5 number theoretic functions in libzahl.
      7 \vspace{1cm}
      8 \minitoc
     11 \newpage
     12 \section{Odd or even}
     13 \label{sec:Odd or even}
     15 There are four functions available for testing
     16 the oddness and evenness of an integer:
     18 \begin{alltt}
     19    int zodd(z_t a);
     20    int zeven(z_t a);
     21    int zodd_nonzero(z_t a);
     22    int zeven_nonzero(z_t a);
     23 \end{alltt}
     25 \noindent
     26 {\tt zodd} returns 1 if {\tt a} contains an
     27 odd value, or 0 if {\tt a} contains an even
     28 number. Conversely, {\tt zeven} returns 1 if
     29 {\tt a} contains an even value, or 0 if {\tt a}
     30 contains an odd number. {\tt zodd\_nonzero} and
     31 {\tt zeven\_nonzero} behave exactly like {\tt zodd}
     32 and {\tt zeven}, respectively, but assumes that
     33 {\tt a} contains a non-zero value, if not
     34 undefined behaviour is invoked, possibly in the
     35 form of a segmentation fault; they are thus
     36 sligtly faster than {\tt zodd} and {\tt zeven}.
     38 It is discouraged to test the returned value
     39 against 1, we should always test against 0,
     40 treating all non-zero value as equivalent to 1.
     41 For clarity, we use also avoid testing that
     42 the returned value is zero, for example, rather
     43 than {\tt !zeven(a)} we write {\tt zodd(a)}.
     46 \newpage
     47 \section{Signum}
     48 \label{sec:Signum}
     50 There are two functions available for testing
     51 the sign of an integer, one of the can be used
     52 to retrieve the sign:
     54 \begin{alltt}
     55    int zsignum(z_t a);
     56    int zzero(z_t a);
     57 \end{alltt}
     59 \noindent
     60 {\tt zsignum} returns $-1$ if $a < 0$,
     61 $0$ if $a = 0$, and $+1$ if $a > 0$, that is,
     63 \vspace{1em}
     64 \( \displaystyle{
     65     \mbox{sgn}~a = \left \lbrace \begin{array}{rl}
     66         -1 & \textrm{if}~ a < 0 \\
     67          0 & \textrm{if}~ a = 0 \\
     68         +1 & \textrm{if}~ a > 0
     69     \end{array} \right .
     70 }\)
     71 \vspace{1em}
     73 \noindent
     74 It is discouraged to compare the returned value
     75 against $-1$ and $+1$; always compare against 0,
     76 for example:
     78 \begin{alltt}
     79    if (zsignum(a) >  0)  "positive";
     80    if (zsignum(a) >= 0)  "non-negative";
     81    if (zsignum(a) == 0)  "zero";
     82    if (!zsignum(a))      "zero";
     83    if (zsignum(a) <= 0)  "non-positive";
     84    if (zsignum(a) <  0)  "negative";
     85    if (zsignum(a))       "non-zero";
     86 \end{alltt}
     88 \noindent
     89 However, when we are doing arithmetic with the
     90 signum, we may relay on the result never being
     91 any other value than $-1$, $0$, and $+0$.
     92 For example:
     94 \begin{alltt}
     95    zset(sgn, zsignum(a));
     96    zadd(b, sgn);
     97 \end{alltt}
     99 {\tt zzero} returns 0 if $a = 0$ or 1 if
    100 $a \neq 0$. Like with {\tt zsignum}, avoid
    101 testing the returned value against 1, rather
    102 test that the returned value is not 0. When
    103 however we are doing arithmetic with the
    104 result, we may relay on the result never
    105 being any other value than 0 or 1.
    108 \newpage
    109 \section{Greatest common divisor}
    110 \label{sec:Greatest common divisor}
    112 There is no single agreed upon definition
    113 for the greatest common divisor of two
    114 integer, that cover non-positive integers.
    115 In libzahl we define it as
    117 \vspace{1em}
    118 \( \displaystyle{
    119     \gcd(a, b) = \left \lbrace \begin{array}{rl}
    120         -k & \textrm{if}~ a < 0, b < 0 \\
    121         b  & \textrm{if}~ a = 0 \\
    122         a  & \textrm{if}~ b = 0 \\
    123         k  & \textrm{otherwise}
    124     \end{array} \right .
    125 }\),
    126 \vspace{1em}
    128 \noindent
    129 where $k$ is the largest integer that divides
    130 both $\lvert a \rvert$ and $\lvert b \rvert$. This
    131 definion ensures
    133 \vspace{1em}
    134 \( \displaystyle{
    135     \frac{a}{\gcd(a, b)} \left \lbrace \begin{array}{rl}
    136         > 0 & \textrm{if}~ a < 0, b < 0 \\
    137         < 0 & \textrm{if}~ a < 0, b > 0 \\
    138         = 1 & \textrm{if}~ b = 0, a \neq 0 \\
    139         = 0 & \textrm{if}~ a = 0, b \neq 0 \\
    140         \in \textbf{N} & \textrm{otherwise if}~ a \neq 0, b \neq 0
    141     \end{array} \right .
    142 }\),
    143 \vspace{1em}
    145 \noindent
    146 and analogously for $\frac{b}{\gcd(a,\,b)}$. Note however,
    147 the convension $\gcd(0, 0) = 0$ is adhered. Therefore,
    148 before dividing with $\gcd(a, b)$ you may want to check
    149 whether $\gcd(a, b) = 0$. $\gcd(a, b)$ is calculated
    150 with {\tt zgcd(a, b)}.
    152 {\tt zgcd} calculates the greatest common divisor using
    153 the Binary GCD algorithm.
    155 \vspace{1em}
    156 \hspace{-2.8ex}
    157 \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
    158 \begin{algorithmic}
    159     \RETURN $a + b$ {\bf if} $ab = 0$
    160     \RETURN $-\gcd(\lvert a \rvert, \lvert b \rvert)$ {\bf if} $a < 0$ \AND $b < 0$
    161     \STATE $s \gets \max s : 2^s \vert a, b$
    162     \STATE $u, v \gets \lvert a \rvert \div 2^s, \lvert b \rvert \div 2^s$
    163     \WHILE{$u \neq v$}
    164         \STATE $v \leftrightarrow u$ {\bf if} $v < u$
    165         \STATE $v \gets v - u$
    166         \STATE $v \gets v \div 2^x$, where $x = \max x : 2^x \vert v$
    167     \ENDWHILE
    168     \RETURN $u \cdot 2^s$
    169 \end{algorithmic}
    170 \end{minipage}
    171 \vspace{1em}
    173 \noindent
    174 $\max x : 2^x \vert z$ is returned by {\tt zlsb(z)}
    175 \psecref{sec:Boundary}.
    178 \newpage
    179 \section{Primality test}
    180 \label{sec:Primality test}
    182 The primality of an integer can be tested with
    184 \begin{alltt}
    185    enum zprimality zptest(z_t w, z_t a, int t);
    186 \end{alltt}
    188 \noindent
    189 {\tt zptest} uses Miller–Rabin primality test,
    190 with {\tt t} runs of its witness loop, to
    191 determine whether {\tt a} is prime. {\tt zptest}
    192 returns either
    194 \begin{itemize}
    195 \item {\tt PRIME} = 2:
    196 {\tt a} is prime. This is only returned for
    197 known prime numbers: 2 and 3.
    199 \item {\tt PROBABLY\_PRIME} = 1:
    200 {\tt a} is probably a prime. The certainty
    201 will be $1 - 4^{-t}$.
    203 \item {\tt NONPRIME} = 0:
    204 {\tt a} is either composite, non-positive, or 1.
    205 It is certain that {\tt a} is not prime.
    206 \end{itemize}
    208 If and only if {\tt NONPRIME} is returned, a
    209 value will be assigned to {\tt w} — unless
    210 {\tt w} is {\tt NULL}. This will be the witness
    211 of {\tt a}'s completeness. If $a \le 1$, it
    212 is not really composite, and the value of
    213 {\tt a} is copied into {\tt w}.
    215 $\gcd(w, a)$ can be used to extract a factor
    216 of $a$. This factor is however not necessarily,
    217 and unlikely so, prime, but can be composite,
    218 or even 1. In the latter case this becomes
    219 utterly useless. Therefore using this method
    220 for prime factorisation is a bad idea.
    222 Below is pseudocode for the Miller–Rabin primality
    223 test with witness return.
    225 \vspace{1em}
    226 \hspace{-2.8ex}
    227 \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
    228 \begin{algorithmic}
    229     \RETURN NONPRIME ($w \gets a$) {\bf if} {$a \le 1$}
    230     \RETURN PRIME {\bf if} {$a \le 3$}
    231     \RETURN NONPRIME ($w \gets 2$) {\bf if} {$2 \vert a$}
    232     \STATE $r \gets \max r : 2^r \vert (a - 1)$
    233     \STATE $d \gets (a - 1) \div 2^r$
    234     \STATE {\bf repeat} $t$ {\bf times}
    236     \hspace{2ex}
    237     \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
    238         \STATE $k \xleftarrow{\$} \textbf{Z}_{a - 2} \setminus \textbf{Z}_{2}$ \textcolor{c}{\{Uniformly random assignment.\}}
    239         \STATE $x \gets k^d \mod a$
    240         \STATE {\bf continue} {\bf if} $x = 1$ \OR $x = a - 1$
    241         \STATE {\bf repeat} $r$ {\bf times or until} $x = 1$ \OR $x = a - 1$
    243         \hspace{2ex}
    244         \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
    245             \vspace{-1ex}
    246             \STATE $x \gets x^2 \mod a$
    247         \end{minipage}
    248         \vspace{-1.5em}
    249         \STATE {\bf end repeat}
    250         \STATE {\bf if} $x = 1$ {\bf return} NONPRIME ($w \gets k$)
    251     \end{minipage}
    252     \vspace{-0.8ex}
    253     \STATE {\bf end repeat}
    255 \end{algorithmic}
    256 \end{minipage}
    257 \vspace{1em}
    259 \noindent
    260 $\max x : 2^x \vert z$ is returned by {\tt zlsb(z)}
    261 \psecref{sec:Boundary}.