
revived minimalist port of Plan 9 userland to Unix
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yacc.c (58914B)

      1 #include <u.h>
      2 #include <libc.h>
      3 #include <bio.h>
      4 #include <ctype.h>
      6 #define	Bungetrune	Bungetc		/* ok for now. */
      8 /*
      9  * all these are 32 bit
     10  */
     11 #define TBITSET		((32+NTERMS)/32)	/* BOTCH?? +31 */
     12 #define BIT(a,i)	((a)[(i)>>5] & (1<<((i)&037)))
     13 #define SETBIT(a,i)	((a)[(i)>>5] |= (1<<((i)&037)))
     14 #define NWORDS(n)	(((n)+32)/32)
     16 char *PARSER = "#9/yacc/yaccpar";
     17 char *PARSERS = "#9/yacc/yaccpars";
     19 #define TEMPNAME	"y.tmp.XXXXXX"
     20 #define ACTNAME		"y.acts.XXXXXX"
     21 #define OFILE		"tab.c"
     22 #define FILEU		"output"
     23 #define FILED		"tab.h"
     24 #define FILEDEBUG	"debug"
     26 enum
     27 {
     28 /*
     29  * the following are adjustable
     30  * according to memory size
     31  */
     32 	ACTSIZE		= 40000,
     33 	MEMSIZE		= 40000,
     34 	NSTATES		= 2000,
     35 	NTERMS		= 511,
     36 	NPROD		= 1600,
     37 	NNONTERM	= 600,
     38 	TEMPSIZE	= 2000,
     39 	CNAMSZ		= 10000,
     40 	LSETSIZE	= 2400,
     41 	WSETSIZE	= 350,
     43 	NAMESIZE	= 50,
     44 	NTYPES		= 63,
     45 	ISIZE		= 400,
     47 	PRIVATE		= 0xE000,	/* unicode private use */
     49 	/* relationships which must hold:
     50 		TBITSET ints must hold NTERMS+1 bits...
     55 	*/
     57 	NTBASE		= 010000,
     58 	ERRCODE		= 8190,
     59 	ACCEPTCODE	= 8191,
     61 	NOASC		= 0,	/* no assoc. */
     62 	LASC		= 1,	/* left assoc. */
     63 	RASC		= 2,	/* right assoc. */
     64 	BASC		= 3,	/* binary assoc. */
     66 	/* flags for state generation */
     68 	DONE		= 0,
     69 	MUSTDO		= 1,
     70 	MUSTLOOKAHEAD	= 2,
     72 	/* flags for a rule having an action, and being reduced */
     74 	ACTFLAG		= 04,
     75 	REDFLAG		= 010,
     77 	/* output parser flags */
     78 	YYFLAG1		= -1000,
     80 	/* parse tokens */
     82 	MARK,
     83 	TERM,
     84 	LEFT,
     85 	RIGHT,
     86 	BINARY,
     87 	PREC,
     88 	LCURLY,
     89 	IDENTCOLON,
     90 	NUMBER,
     91 	START,
     92 	TYPEDEF,
     93 	TYPENAME,
     94 	UNION,
     96 	ENDFILE		= 0,
     98 	EMPTY		= 1,
     99 	WHOKNOWS	= 0,
    100 	OK		= 1,
    101 	NOMORE		= -1000
    102 };
    104 	/* macros for getting associativity and precedence levels */
    106 #define ASSOC(i)	((i)&03)
    107 #define PLEVEL(i)	(((i)>>4)&077)
    108 #define TYPE(i)		(((i)>>10)&077)
    110 	/* macros for setting associativity and precedence levels */
    112 #define SETASC(i,j)	i |= j
    113 #define SETPLEV(i,j)	i |= (j<<4)
    114 #define SETTYPE(i,j)	i |= (j<<10)
    116 	/* looping macros */
    118 #define TLOOP(i)	for(i=1; i<=ntokens; i++)
    119 #define NTLOOP(i)	for(i=0; i<=nnonter; i++)
    120 #define PLOOP(s,i)	for(i=s; i<nprod; i++)
    121 #define SLOOP(i)	for(i=0; i<nstate; i++)
    122 #define WSBUMP(x)	x++
    123 #define WSLOOP(s,j)	for(j=s; j<cwp; j++)
    124 #define ITMLOOP(i,p,q)	for(q=pstate[i+1], p=pstate[i]; p<q; p++)
    125 #define SETLOOP(i)	for(i=0; i<tbitset; i++)
    127 	/* command to clobber tempfiles after use */
    129 #define	ZAPFILE(x)	if(x) remove(x)
    131 	/* I/O descriptors */
    133 Biobuf*	faction;	/* file for saving actions */
    134 Biobuf*	fdefine;	/* file for #defines */
    135 Biobuf*	fdebug;		/* y.debug for strings for debugging */
    136 Biobuf*	ftable;		/* y.tab.c file */
    137 Biobuf*	ftemp;		/* tempfile to pass 2 */
    138 Biobuf*	finput;		/* input file */
    139 Biobuf*	foutput;	/* y.output file */
    141 	/* communication variables between various I/O routines */
    143 char*	infile;			/* input file name */
    144 int	numbval;		/* value of an input number */
    145 char	tokname[NAMESIZE+4];	/* input token name, slop for runes and 0 */
    147 	/* structure declarations */
    149 typedef
    150 struct
    151 {
    152 	int	lset[TBITSET];
    153 } Lkset;
    155 typedef
    156 struct
    157 {
    158 	int*	pitem;
    159 	Lkset*	look;
    160 } Item;
    162 typedef
    163 struct
    164 {
    165 	char*	name;
    166 	int	value;
    167 } Symb;
    169 typedef
    170 struct
    171 {
    172 	int*	pitem;
    173 	int	flag;
    174 	Lkset	ws;
    175 } Wset;
    177 	/* storage of names */
    179 char	cnames[CNAMSZ];		/* place where token and nonterminal names are stored */
    180 int	cnamsz = CNAMSZ;	/* size of cnames */
    181 char*	cnamp = cnames;		/* place where next name is to be put in */
    182 int	ndefout = 4;		/* number of defined symbols output */
    183 char*	tempname;
    184 char*	actname;
    185 char	ttempname[] = TEMPNAME;
    186 char	tactname[] = ACTNAME;
    187 char*	parser;
    188 char*	yydebug;
    189 int	yyarg;
    190 int	yyline = 1;
    192 	/* storage of types */
    193 int	ntypes;			/* number of types defined */
    194 char*	typeset[NTYPES];	/* pointers to type tags */
    196 	/* token information */
    198 int	ntokens = 0 ;		/* number of tokens */
    199 Symb	tokset[NTERMS];
    200 int	toklev[NTERMS];		/* vector with the precedence of the terminals */
    202 	/* nonterminal information */
    204 int	nnonter = -1;		/* the number of nonterminals */
    205 Symb	nontrst[NNONTERM];
    206 int	start;			/* start symbol */
    208 	/* assigned token type values */
    209 int	extval = 0;
    211 char*	ytabc = OFILE;	/* name of y.tab.c */
    213 	/* grammar rule information */
    215 int	mem0[MEMSIZE] ;		/* production storage */
    216 int*	mem = mem0;
    217 int	nprod = 1;		/* number of productions */
    218 int*	prdptr[NPROD];		/* pointers to descriptions of productions */
    219 int	levprd[NPROD];		/* precedence levels for the productions */
    220 int	rlines[NPROD];		/* line number for this rule */
    222 	/* state information */
    224 int	nstate = 0;		/* number of states */
    225 Item*	pstate[NSTATES+2];	/* pointers to the descriptions of the states */
    226 int	tystate[NSTATES];	/* contains type information about the states */
    227 int	defact[NSTATES];	/* the default actions of states */
    228 int	tstates[NTERMS];	/* states generated by terminal gotos */
    229 int	ntstates[NNONTERM]; 	/* states generated by nonterminal gotos */
    230 int	mstates[NSTATES];	/* chain of overflows of term/nonterm generation lists  */
    231 int	lastred; 		/* the number of the last reduction of a state */
    233 	/* lookahead set information */
    235 Lkset	lkst[LSETSIZE];
    236 int	nolook;			/* flag to turn off lookahead computations */
    237 int	tbitset;		/* size of lookahead sets */
    238 int	nlset = 0;		/* next lookahead set index */
    239 int	nolook = 0;		/* flag to suppress lookahead computations */
    240 Lkset	clset;  		/* temporary storage for lookahead computations */
    242 	/* working set information */
    244 Wset	wsets[WSETSIZE];
    245 Wset*	cwp;
    247 	/* storage for action table */
    249 int	amem[ACTSIZE];		/* action table storage */
    250 int*	memp = amem;		/* next free action table position */
    251 int	indgo[NSTATES];		/* index to the stored goto table */
    253 	/* temporary vector, indexable by states, terms, or ntokens */
    255 int	temp1[TEMPSIZE];	/* temporary storage, indexed by terms + ntokens or states */
    256 int	lineno = 1;		/* current input line number */
    257 int	fatfl = 1;  		/* if on, error is fatal */
    258 int	nerrors = 0;		/* number of errors */
    260 	/* statistics collection variables */
    262 int	zzgoent;
    263 int	zzgobest;
    264 int	zzacent;
    265 int	zzexcp;
    266 int	zzclose;
    267 int	zzrrconf;
    268 int	zzsrconf;
    270 int*	ggreed = lkst[0].lset;
    271 int*	pgo = wsets[0].ws.lset;
    272 int*	yypgo = &nontrst[0].value;
    274 int	maxspr = 0;  		/* maximum spread of any entry */
    275 int	maxoff = 0;  		/* maximum offset into a array */
    276 int*	pmem = mem0;
    277 int*	maxa;
    278 int	nxdb = 0;
    279 int	adb = 0;
    282 	/* storage for information about the nonterminals */
    284 int**	pres[NNONTERM+2];  	/* vector of pointers to productions yielding each nonterminal */
    285 Lkset*	pfirst[NNONTERM+2];	/* vector of pointers to first sets for each nonterminal */
    286 int	pempty[NNONTERM+1];	/* vector of nonterminals nontrivially deriving e */
    288 	/* random stuff picked out from between functions */
    290 int	indebug = 0;
    291 Wset*	zzcwp = wsets;
    292 int	zzgoent = 0;
    293 int	zzgobest = 0;
    294 int	zzacent = 0;
    295 int	zzexcp = 0;
    296 int	zzclose = 0;
    297 int	zzsrconf = 0;
    298 int*	zzmemsz = mem0;
    299 int	zzrrconf = 0;
    300 int	pidebug = 0;		/* debugging flag for putitem */
    301 int	gsdebug = 0;
    302 int	cldebug = 0;		/* debugging flag for closure */
    303 int	pkdebug = 0;
    304 int	g2debug = 0;
    306 struct
    307 {
    308 	char*	name;
    309 	long	value;
    310 } resrv[] =
    311 {
    312 	"binary",	BINARY,
    313 	"left",		LEFT,
    314 	"nonassoc",	BINARY,
    315 	"prec",		PREC,
    316 	"right",	RIGHT,
    317 	"start",	START,
    318 	"term",		TERM,
    319 	"token",	TERM,
    320 	"type",		TYPEDEF,
    321 	"union",	UNION,
    322 	0,
    323 };
    325 	/* define functions */
    327 void	main(int, char**);
    328 void	others(void);
    329 char*	chcopy(char*, char*);
    330 char*	writem(int*);
    331 char*	symnam(int);
    332 void	summary(void);
    333 void	error(char*, ...);
    334 void	aryfil(int*, int, int);
    335 int	setunion(int*, int*);
    336 void	prlook(Lkset*);
    337 void	cpres(void);
    338 void	cpfir(void);
    339 int	state(int);
    340 void	putitem(int*, Lkset*);
    341 void	cempty(void);
    342 void	stagen(void);
    343 void	closure(int);
    344 Lkset*	flset(Lkset*);
    345 void	cleantmp(void);
    346 void	intr(void);
    347 void	setup(int, char**);
    348 void	finact(void);
    349 int	defin(int, char*);
    350 void	defout(int);
    351 char*	cstash(char*);
    352 long	gettok(void);
    353 int	fdtype(int);
    354 int	chfind(int, char*);
    355 void	cpyunion(void);
    356 void	cpycode(void);
    357 int	skipcom(void);
    358 void	cpyact(int);
    359 void	openup(char*, int, int, int, char*);
    360 void	output(void);
    361 int	apack(int*, int);
    362 void	go2out(void);
    363 void	go2gen(int);
    364 void	precftn(int, int, int);
    365 void	wract(int);
    366 void	wrstate(int);
    367 void	warray(char*, int*, int);
    368 void	hideprod(void);
    369 void	callopt(void);
    370 void	gin(int);
    371 void	stin(int);
    372 int	nxti(void);
    373 void	osummary(void);
    374 void	aoutput(void);
    375 void	arout(char*, int*, int);
    376 int	gtnm(void);
    378 void
    379 main(int argc, char *argv[])
    380 {
    381 	PARSER = unsharp(PARSER);
    382 	PARSERS = unsharp(PARSERS);
    383 	parser = PARSER;
    385 	setup(argc, argv);	/* initialize and read productions */
    386 	tbitset = NWORDS(ntokens);
    387 	cpres();		/* make table of which productions yield a given nonterminal */
    388 	cempty();		/* make a table of which nonterminals can match the empty string */
    389 	cpfir();		/* make a table of firsts of nonterminals */
    390 	stagen();		/* generate the states */
    391 	output();		/* write the states and the tables */
    392 	go2out();
    393 	hideprod();
    394 	summary();
    395 	callopt();
    396 	others();
    397 	exits(0);
    398 }
    400 /*
    401  * put out other arrays, copy the parsers
    402  */
    403 void
    404 others(void)
    405 {
    406 	int c, i, j;
    408 	finput = Bopen(parser, OREAD);
    409 	if(finput == 0)
    410 		error("cannot open parser %s: %r", parser);
    411 	warray("yyr1", levprd, nprod);
    412 	aryfil(temp1, nprod, 0);
    413 	PLOOP(1, i)
    414 		temp1[i] = prdptr[i+1]-prdptr[i]-2;
    415 	warray("yyr2", temp1, nprod);
    417 	aryfil(temp1, nstate, -1000);
    418 	TLOOP(i)
    419 		for(j=tstates[i]; j!=0; j=mstates[j])
    420 			temp1[j] = i;
    421 	NTLOOP(i)
    422 		for(j=ntstates[i]; j!=0; j=mstates[j])
    423 			temp1[j] = -i;
    424 	warray("yychk", temp1, nstate);
    425 	warray("yydef", defact, nstate);
    427 	/* put out token translation tables */
    428 	/* table 1 has 0-256 */
    429 	aryfil(temp1, 256, 0);
    430 	c = 0;
    431 	TLOOP(i) {
    432 		j = tokset[i].value;
    433 		if(j >= 0 && j < 256) {
    434 			if(temp1[j]) {
    435 				print("yacc bug -- cant have 2 different Ts with same value\n");
    436 				print("	%s and %s\n", tokset[i].name, tokset[temp1[j]].name);
    437 				nerrors++;
    438 			}
    439 			temp1[j] = i;
    440 			if(j > c)
    441 				c = j;
    442 		}
    443 	}
    444 	warray("yytok1", temp1, c+1);
    446 	/* table 2 has PRIVATE-PRIVATE+256 */
    447 	aryfil(temp1, 256, 0);
    448 	c = 0;
    449 	TLOOP(i) {
    450 		j = tokset[i].value - PRIVATE;
    451 		if(j >= 0 && j < 256) {
    452 			if(temp1[j]) {
    453 				print("yacc bug -- cant have 2 different Ts with same value\n");
    454 				print("	%s and %s\n", tokset[i].name, tokset[temp1[j]].name);
    455 				nerrors++;
    456 			}
    457 			temp1[j] = i;
    458 			if(j > c)
    459 				c = j;
    460 		}
    461 	}
    462 	warray("yytok2", temp1, c+1);
    464 	/* table 3 has everything else */
    465 	Bprint(ftable, "static\tconst\tlong	yytok3[] =\n{\n");
    466 	c = 0;
    467 	TLOOP(i) {
    468 		j = tokset[i].value;
    469 		if(j >= 0 && j < 256)
    470 			continue;
    471 		if(j >= PRIVATE && j < 256+PRIVATE)
    472 			continue;
    474 		Bprint(ftable, "%4d,%4d,", j, i);
    475 		c++;
    476 		if(c%5 == 0)
    477 			Bprint(ftable, "\n");
    478 	}
    479 	Bprint(ftable, "%4d\n};\n", 0);
    481 	/* copy parser text */
    482 	while((c=Bgetrune(finput)) != Beof) {
    483 		if(c == '$') {
    484 			if((c = Bgetrune(finput)) != 'A')
    485 				Bputrune(ftable, '$');
    486 			else { /* copy actions */
    487 				faction = Bopen(actname, OREAD);
    488 				if(faction == 0)
    489 					error("cannot reopen action tempfile");
    490 				while((c=Bgetrune(faction)) != Beof)
    491 					Bputrune(ftable, c);
    492 				Bterm(faction);
    493 				ZAPFILE(actname);
    494 				c = Bgetrune(finput);
    495 			}
    496 		}
    497 		Bputrune(ftable, c);
    498 	}
    499 	Bterm(ftable);
    500 }
    502 /*
    503  * copies string q into p, returning next free char ptr
    504  */
    505 char*
    506 chcopy(char* p, char* q)
    507 {
    508 	int c;
    510 	while(c = *q) {
    511 		if(c == '"')
    512 			*p++ = '\\';
    513 		*p++ = c;
    514 		q++;
    515 	}
    516 	*p = 0;
    517 	return p;
    518 }
    520 /*
    521  * creates output string for item pointed to by pp
    522  */
    523 char*
    524 writem(int *pp)
    525 {
    526 	int i,*p;
    527 	static char sarr[ISIZE];
    528 	char* q;
    530 	for(p=pp; *p>0; p++)
    531 		;
    532 	p = prdptr[-*p];
    533 	q = chcopy(sarr, nontrst[*p-NTBASE].name);
    534 	q = chcopy(q, ": ");
    535 	for(;;) {
    536 		*q = ' ';
    537 		p++;
    538 		if(p == pp)
    539 			*q = '.';
    540 		q++;
    541 		*q = '\0';
    542 		i = *p;
    543 		if(i <= 0)
    544 			break;
    545 		q = chcopy(q, symnam(i));
    546 		if(q > &sarr[ISIZE-30])
    547 			error("item too big");
    548 	}
    550 	/* an item calling for a reduction */
    551 	i = *pp;
    552 	if(i < 0 ) {
    553 		q = chcopy(q, "    (");
    554 		sprint(q, "%d)", -i);
    555 	}
    556 	return sarr;
    557 }
    559 /*
    560  * return a pointer to the name of symbol i
    561  */
    562 char*
    563 symnam(int i)
    564 {
    565 	char* cp;
    567 	cp = (i >= NTBASE)? nontrst[i-NTBASE].name: tokset[i].name;
    568 	if(*cp == ' ')
    569 		cp++;
    570 	return cp;
    571 }
    573 /*
    574  * output the summary on y.output
    575  */
    576 void
    577 summary(void)
    578 {
    580 	if(foutput != 0) {
    581 		Bprint(foutput, "\n%d/%d terminals, %d/%d nonterminals\n",
    582 			ntokens, NTERMS, nnonter, NNONTERM);
    583 		Bprint(foutput, "%d/%d grammar rules, %d/%d states\n",
    584 			nprod, NPROD, nstate, NSTATES);
    585 		Bprint(foutput, "%d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce conflicts reported\n",
    586 			zzsrconf, zzrrconf);
    587 		Bprint(foutput, "%d/%d working sets used\n",
    588 			(int)(zzcwp-wsets), WSETSIZE);
    589 		Bprint(foutput, "memory: states,etc. %d/%d, parser %d/%d\n",
    590 			(int)(zzmemsz-mem0), MEMSIZE, (int)(memp-amem), ACTSIZE);
    591 		Bprint(foutput, "%d/%d distinct lookahead sets\n", nlset, LSETSIZE);
    592 		Bprint(foutput, "%d extra closures\n", zzclose - 2*nstate);
    593 		Bprint(foutput, "%d shift entries, %d exceptions\n", zzacent, zzexcp);
    594 		Bprint(foutput, "%d goto entries\n", zzgoent);
    595 		Bprint(foutput, "%d entries saved by goto default\n", zzgobest);
    596 	}
    597 	if(zzsrconf != 0 || zzrrconf != 0) {
    598 		print("\nconflicts: ");
    599 		if(zzsrconf)
    600 			print("%d shift/reduce", zzsrconf);
    601 		if(zzsrconf && zzrrconf)
    602 			print(", ");
    603 		if(zzrrconf)
    604 			print("%d reduce/reduce", zzrrconf);
    605 		print("\n");
    606 	}
    607 	if(ftemp != 0) {
    608 		Bterm(ftemp);
    609 		ftemp = 0;
    610 	}
    611 	if(fdefine != 0) {
    612 		Bterm(fdefine);
    613 		fdefine = 0;
    614 	}
    615 }
    617 /*
    618  * write out error comment -- NEEDS WORK
    619  */
    620 void
    621 error(char *s, ...)
    622 {
    623 	va_list arg;
    625 	nerrors++;
    626 	fprint(2, "\n fatal error:");
    627 	va_start(arg, s);
    628 	vfprint(2, s, arg);
    629 	va_end(arg);
    630 	fprint(2, ", %s:%d\n", infile, lineno);
    631 	if(!fatfl)
    632 		return;
    633 	summary();
    634 	cleantmp();
    635 	exits("error");
    636 }
    638 /*
    639  * set elements 0 through n-1 to c
    640  */
    641 void
    642 aryfil(int *v, int n, int c)
    643 {
    644 	int i;
    646 	for(i=0; i<n; i++)
    647 		v[i] = c;
    648 }
    650 /*
    651  * set a to the union of a and b
    652  * return 1 if b is not a subset of a, 0 otherwise
    653  */
    654 int
    655 setunion(int *a, int *b)
    656 {
    657 	int i, x, sub;
    659 	sub = 0;
    660 	SETLOOP(i) {
    661 		x = *a;
    662 		*a |= *b;
    663 		if(*a != x)
    664 			sub = 1;
    665 		a++;
    666 		b++;
    667 	}
    668 	return sub;
    669 }
    671 void
    672 prlook(Lkset* p)
    673 {
    674 	int j, *pp;
    676 	pp = p->lset;
    677 	if(pp == 0)
    678 		Bprint(foutput, "\tNULL");
    679 	else {
    680 		Bprint(foutput, " { ");
    681 		TLOOP(j)
    682 			if(BIT(pp,j))
    683 				Bprint(foutput, "%s ", symnam(j));
    684 		Bprint(foutput, "}");
    685 	}
    686 }
    688 /*
    689  * compute an array with the beginnings of  productions yielding given nonterminals
    690  * The array pres points to these lists
    691  * the array pyield has the lists: the total size is only NPROD+1
    692  */
    693 void
    694 cpres(void)
    695 {
    696 	int c, j, i, **pmem;
    697 	static int *pyield[NPROD];
    699 	pmem = pyield;
    700 	NTLOOP(i) {
    701 		c = i+NTBASE;
    702 		pres[i] = pmem;
    703 		fatfl = 0;  	/* make undefined  symbols  nonfatal */
    704 		PLOOP(0, j)
    705 			if(*prdptr[j] == c)
    706 				*pmem++ =  prdptr[j]+1;
    707 		if(pres[i] == pmem)
    708 			error("nonterminal %s not defined!", nontrst[i].name);
    709 	}
    710 	pres[i] = pmem;
    711 	fatfl = 1;
    712 	if(nerrors) {
    713 		summary();
    714 		cleantmp();
    715 		exits("error");
    716 	}
    717 	if(pmem != &pyield[nprod])
    718 		error("internal Yacc error: pyield %d", pmem-&pyield[nprod]);
    719 }
    721 /*
    722  * compute an array with the first of nonterminals
    723  */
    724 void
    725 cpfir(void)
    726 {
    727 	int *p, **s, i, **t, ch, changes;
    729 	zzcwp = &wsets[nnonter];
    730 	NTLOOP(i) {
    731 		aryfil(wsets[i].ws.lset, tbitset, 0);
    732 		t = pres[i+1];
    733 		/* initially fill the sets */
    734 		for(s=pres[i]; s<t; ++s)
    735 			for(p = *s; (ch = *p) > 0; ++p) {
    736 				if(ch < NTBASE) {
    737 					SETBIT(wsets[i].ws.lset, ch);
    738 					break;
    739 				}
    740 				if(!pempty[ch-NTBASE])
    741 					break;
    742 			}
    743 	}
    745 	/* now, reflect transitivity */
    746 	changes = 1;
    747 	while(changes) {
    748 		changes = 0;
    749 		NTLOOP(i) {
    750 			t = pres[i+1];
    751 			for(s = pres[i]; s < t; ++s)
    752 				for(p = *s; (ch = (*p-NTBASE)) >= 0; ++p) {
    753 					changes |= setunion(wsets[i].ws.lset, wsets[ch].ws.lset);
    754 					if(!pempty[ch])
    755 						break;
    756 				}
    757 		}
    758 	}
    760 	NTLOOP(i)
    761 		pfirst[i] = flset(&wsets[i].ws);
    762 	if(!indebug)
    763 		return;
    764 	if(foutput != 0)
    765 		NTLOOP(i) {
    766 			Bprint(foutput, "\n%s: ", nontrst[i].name);
    767 			prlook(pfirst[i]);
    768 			Bprint(foutput, " %d\n", pempty[i]);
    769 		}
    770 }
    772 /*
    773  * sorts last state,and sees if it equals earlier ones. returns state number
    774  */
    775 int
    776 state(int c)
    777 {
    778 	Item *p1, *p2, *k, *l, *q1, *q2;
    779 	int size1, size2, i;
    781 	p1 = pstate[nstate];
    782 	p2 = pstate[nstate+1];
    783 	if(p1 == p2)
    784 		return 0;	/* null state */
    785 	/* sort the items */
    786 	for(k = p2-1; k > p1; k--)	/* make k the biggest */
    787 		for(l = k-1; l >= p1; --l)
    788 			if(l->pitem > k->pitem) {
    789 				int *s;
    790 				Lkset *ss;
    792 				s = k->pitem;
    793 				k->pitem = l->pitem;
    794 				l->pitem = s;
    795 				ss = k->look;
    796 				k->look = l->look;
    797 				l->look = ss;
    798 			}
    799 	size1 = p2 - p1;	/* size of state */
    801 	for(i = (c>=NTBASE)? ntstates[c-NTBASE]: tstates[c]; i != 0; i = mstates[i]) {
    802 		/* get ith state */
    803 		q1 = pstate[i];
    804 		q2 = pstate[i+1];
    805 		size2 = q2 - q1;
    806 		if(size1 != size2)
    807 			continue;
    808 		k = p1;
    809 		for(l = q1; l < q2; l++) {
    810 			if(l->pitem != k->pitem)
    811 				break;
    812 			k++;
    813 		}
    814 		if(l != q2)
    815 			continue;
    816 		/* found it */
    817 		pstate[nstate+1] = pstate[nstate];	/* delete last state */
    818 		/* fix up lookaheads */
    819 		if(nolook)
    820 			return i;
    821 		for(l = q1, k = p1; l < q2; ++l, ++k ) {
    822 			int s;
    824 			SETLOOP(s)
    825 				clset.lset[s] = l->look->lset[s];
    826 			if(setunion(clset.lset, k->look->lset)) {
    827 				tystate[i] = MUSTDO;
    828 				/* register the new set */
    829 				l->look = flset( &clset );
    830 			}
    831 		}
    832 		return i;
    833 	}
    834 	/* state is new */
    835 	if(nolook)
    836 		error("yacc state/nolook error");
    837 	pstate[nstate+2] = p2;
    838 	if(nstate+1 >= NSTATES)
    839 		error("too many states");
    840 	if(c >= NTBASE) {
    841 		mstates[nstate] = ntstates[c-NTBASE];
    842 		ntstates[c-NTBASE] = nstate;
    843 	} else {
    844 		mstates[nstate] = tstates[c];
    845 		tstates[c] = nstate;
    846 	}
    847 	tystate[nstate] = MUSTDO;
    848 	return nstate++;
    849 }
    851 void
    852 putitem(int *ptr, Lkset *lptr)
    853 {
    854 	Item *j;
    856 	if(pidebug && foutput != 0)
    857 		Bprint(foutput, "putitem(%s), state %d\n", writem(ptr), nstate);
    858 	j = pstate[nstate+1];
    859 	j->pitem = ptr;
    860 	if(!nolook)
    861 		j->look = flset(lptr);
    862 	pstate[nstate+1] = ++j;
    863 	if((int*)j > zzmemsz) {
    864 		zzmemsz = (int*)j;
    865 		if(zzmemsz >=  &mem0[MEMSIZE])
    866 			error("out of state space");
    867 	}
    868 }
    870 /*
    871  * mark nonterminals which derive the empty string
    872  * also, look for nonterminals which don't derive any token strings
    873  */
    874 void
    875 cempty(void)
    876 {
    878 	int i, *p;
    880 	/* first, use the array pempty to detect productions that can never be reduced */
    881 	/* set pempty to WHONOWS */
    882 	aryfil(pempty, nnonter+1, WHOKNOWS);
    884 	/* now, look at productions, marking nonterminals which derive something */
    885 more:
    886 	PLOOP(0, i) {
    887 		if(pempty[*prdptr[i] - NTBASE])
    888 			continue;
    889 		for(p = prdptr[i]+1; *p >= 0; ++p)
    890 			if(*p >= NTBASE && pempty[*p-NTBASE] == WHOKNOWS)
    891 				break;
    892 		/* production can be derived */
    893 		if(*p < 0) {
    894 			pempty[*prdptr[i]-NTBASE] = OK;
    895 			goto more;
    896 		}
    897 	}
    899 	/* now, look at the nonterminals, to see if they are all OK */
    900 	NTLOOP(i) {
    901 		/* the added production rises or falls as the start symbol ... */
    902 		if(i == 0)
    903 			continue;
    904 		if(pempty[i] != OK) {
    905 			fatfl = 0;
    906 			error("nonterminal %s never derives any token string", nontrst[i].name);
    907 		}
    908 	}
    910 	if(nerrors) {
    911 		summary();
    912 		cleantmp();
    913 		exits("error");
    914 	}
    916 	/* now, compute the pempty array, to see which nonterminals derive the empty string */
    917 	/* set pempty to WHOKNOWS */
    918 	aryfil( pempty, nnonter+1, WHOKNOWS);
    920 	/* loop as long as we keep finding empty nonterminals */
    922 again:
    923 	PLOOP(1, i) {
    924 		/* not known to be empty */
    925 		if(pempty[*prdptr[i]-NTBASE] == WHOKNOWS) {
    926 			for(p = prdptr[i]+1; *p >= NTBASE && pempty[*p-NTBASE] == EMPTY ; ++p)
    927 				;
    928 			/* we have a nontrivially empty nonterminal */
    929 			if(*p < 0) {
    930 				pempty[*prdptr[i]-NTBASE] = EMPTY;
    931 				/* got one ... try for another */
    932 				goto again;
    933 			}
    934 		}
    935 	}
    936 }
    938 /*
    939  * generate the states
    940  */
    941 void
    942 stagen(void)
    943 {
    945 	int c, i, j, more;
    946 	Wset *p, *q;
    948 	/* initialize */
    949 	nstate = 0;
    951 	/* THIS IS FUNNY from the standpoint of portability
    952 	 * it represents the magic moment when the mem0 array, which has
    953 	 * been holding the productions, starts to hold item pointers, of a
    954 	 * different type...
    955 	 * someday, alloc should be used to allocate all this stuff... for now, we
    956 	 * accept that if pointers don't fit in integers, there is a problem...
    957 	 */
    959 	pstate[0] = pstate[1] = (Item*)mem;
    960 	aryfil(clset.lset, tbitset, 0);
    961 	putitem(prdptr[0]+1, &clset);
    962 	tystate[0] = MUSTDO;
    963 	nstate = 1;
    964 	pstate[2] = pstate[1];
    966 	aryfil(amem, ACTSIZE, 0);
    968 	/* now, the main state generation loop */
    969 	for(more=1; more;) {
    970 		more = 0;
    971 		SLOOP(i) {
    972 			if(tystate[i] != MUSTDO)
    973 				continue;
    974 			tystate[i] = DONE;
    975 			aryfil(temp1, nnonter+1, 0);
    976 			/* take state i, close it, and do gotos */
    977 			closure(i);
    978 			/* generate goto's */
    979 			WSLOOP(wsets, p) {
    980 				if(p->flag)
    981 					continue;
    982 				p->flag = 1;
    983 				c = *(p->pitem);
    984 				if(c <= 1) {
    985 					if(pstate[i+1]-pstate[i] <= p-wsets)
    986 						tystate[i] = MUSTLOOKAHEAD;
    987 					continue;
    988 				}
    989 				/* do a goto on c */
    990 				WSLOOP(p, q)
    991 					/* this item contributes to the goto */
    992 					if(c == *(q->pitem)) {
    993 						putitem(q->pitem+1, &q->ws);
    994 						q->flag = 1;
    995 					}
    996 				if(c < NTBASE)
    997 					state(c);	/* register new state */
    998 				else
    999 					temp1[c-NTBASE] = state(c);
   1000 			}
   1001 			if(gsdebug && foutput != 0) {
   1002 				Bprint(foutput, "%d: ", i);
   1003 				NTLOOP(j)
   1004 					if(temp1[j])
   1005 						Bprint(foutput, "%s %d, ",
   1006 						nontrst[j].name, temp1[j]);
   1007 				Bprint(foutput, "\n");
   1008 			}
   1009 			indgo[i] = apack(&temp1[1], nnonter-1) - 1;
   1010 			/* do some more */
   1011 			more = 1;
   1012 		}
   1013 	}
   1014 }
   1016 /*
   1017  * generate the closure of state i
   1018  */
   1019 void
   1020 closure(int i)
   1021 {
   1023 	Wset *u, *v;
   1024 	Item *p, *q;
   1025 	int c, ch, work, k, *pi, **s, **t;
   1027 	zzclose++;
   1029 	/* first, copy kernel of state i to wsets */
   1030 	cwp = wsets;
   1031 	ITMLOOP(i, p, q) {
   1032 		cwp->pitem = p->pitem;
   1033 		cwp->flag = 1;			/* this item must get closed */
   1034 		SETLOOP(k)
   1035 			cwp->ws.lset[k] = p->look->lset[k];
   1036 		WSBUMP(cwp);
   1037 	}
   1039 	/* now, go through the loop, closing each item */
   1040 	work = 1;
   1041 	while(work) {
   1042 		work = 0;
   1043 		WSLOOP(wsets, u) {
   1044 			if(u->flag == 0)
   1045 				continue;
   1046 			/* dot is before c */
   1047 			c = *(u->pitem);
   1048 			if(c < NTBASE) {
   1049 				u->flag = 0;
   1050 				/* only interesting case is where . is before nonterminal */
   1051 				continue;
   1052 			}
   1054 			/* compute the lookahead */
   1055 			aryfil(clset.lset, tbitset, 0);
   1057 			/* find items involving c */
   1058 			WSLOOP(u, v)
   1059 				if(v->flag == 1 && *(pi=v->pitem) == c) {
   1060 					v->flag = 0;
   1061 					if(nolook)
   1062 						continue;
   1063 					while((ch = *++pi) > 0) {
   1064 						/* terminal symbol */
   1065 						if(ch < NTBASE) {
   1066 							SETBIT(clset.lset, ch);
   1067 							break;
   1068 						}
   1069 						/* nonterminal symbol */
   1070 						setunion(clset.lset, pfirst[ch-NTBASE]->lset);
   1071 						if(!pempty[ch-NTBASE])
   1072 							break;
   1073 					}
   1074 					if(ch <= 0)
   1075 						setunion(clset.lset, v->ws.lset);
   1076 				}
   1078 			/*
   1079 			 * now loop over productions derived from c
   1080 			 * c is now nonterminal number
   1081 			 */
   1082 			c -= NTBASE;
   1083 			t = pres[c+1];
   1084 			for(s = pres[c]; s < t; ++s) {
   1085 				/*
   1086 				 * put these items into the closure
   1087 				 * is the item there
   1088 				 */
   1089 				WSLOOP(wsets, v)
   1090 					/* yes, it is there */
   1091 					if(v->pitem == *s) {
   1092 						if(nolook)
   1093 							goto nexts;
   1094 						if(setunion(v->ws.lset, clset.lset))
   1095 							v->flag = work = 1;
   1096 						goto nexts;
   1097 					}
   1099 				/*  not there; make a new entry */
   1100 				if(cwp-wsets+1 >= WSETSIZE)
   1101 					error( "working set overflow");
   1102 				cwp->pitem = *s;
   1103 				cwp->flag = 1;
   1104 				if(!nolook) {
   1105 					work = 1;
   1106 					SETLOOP(k) cwp->ws.lset[k] = clset.lset[k];
   1107 				}
   1108 				WSBUMP(cwp);
   1110 			nexts:;
   1111 			}
   1112 		}
   1113 	}
   1115 	/* have computed closure; flags are reset; return */
   1116 	if(cwp > zzcwp)
   1117 		zzcwp = cwp;
   1118 	if(cldebug && foutput != 0) {
   1119 		Bprint(foutput, "\nState %d, nolook = %d\n", i, nolook);
   1120 		WSLOOP(wsets, u) {
   1121 			if(u->flag)
   1122 				Bprint(foutput, "flag set!\n");
   1123 			u->flag = 0;
   1124 			Bprint(foutput, "\t%s", writem(u->pitem));
   1125 			prlook(&u->ws);
   1126 			Bprint(foutput, "\n");
   1127 		}
   1128 	}
   1129 }
   1131 /*
   1132  * decide if the lookahead set pointed to by p is known
   1133  * return pointer to a perminent location for the set
   1134  */
   1135 Lkset*
   1136 flset(Lkset *p)
   1137 {
   1138 	Lkset *q;
   1139 	int *u, *v, *w, j;
   1141 	for(q = &lkst[nlset]; q-- > lkst;) {
   1142 		u = p->lset;
   1143 		v = q->lset;
   1144 		w = &v[tbitset];
   1145 		while(v < w)
   1146 			if(*u++ != *v++)
   1147 				goto more;
   1148 		/* we have matched */
   1149 		return q;
   1150 	more:;
   1151 	}
   1152 	/* add a new one */
   1153 	q = &lkst[nlset++];
   1154 	if(nlset >= LSETSIZE)
   1155 		error("too many lookahead sets");
   1156 	SETLOOP(j)
   1157 		q->lset[j] = p->lset[j];
   1158 	return q;
   1159 }
   1161 void
   1162 cleantmp(void)
   1163 {
   1164 	ZAPFILE(actname);
   1165 	ZAPFILE(tempname);
   1166 }
   1168 void
   1169 intr(void)
   1170 {
   1171 	cleantmp();
   1172 	exits("interrupted");
   1173 }
   1175 void
   1176 setup(int argc, char *argv[])
   1177 {
   1178 	long c, t;
   1179 	int i, j, fd, lev, ty, ytab, *p;
   1180 	int vflag, dflag, stem;
   1181 	char actnm[8], *stemc, *s, dirbuf[128];
   1182 	Biobuf *fout;
   1184 	ytab = 0;
   1185 	vflag = 0;
   1186 	dflag = 0;
   1187 	stem = 0;
   1188 	stemc = "y";
   1189 	foutput = 0;
   1190 	fdefine = 0;
   1191 	fdebug = 0;
   1192 	ARGBEGIN{
   1193 	case 'v':
   1194 	case 'V':
   1195 		vflag++;
   1196 		break;
   1197 	case 'D':
   1198 		yydebug = ARGF();
   1199 		break;
   1200 	case 'a':
   1201 		yyarg = 1;
   1202 		break;
   1203 	case 'd':
   1204 		dflag++;
   1205 		break;
   1206 	case 'l':
   1207 		yyline = 0;
   1208 		break;
   1209 	case 'o':
   1210 		ytab++;
   1211 		ytabc = ARGF();
   1212 		break;
   1213 	case 's':
   1214 		stem++;
   1215 		stemc = ARGF();
   1216 		break;
   1217 	case 'S':
   1218 		parser = PARSERS;
   1219 		break;
   1220 	default:
   1221 		error("illegal option: %c", ARGC());
   1222 	}ARGEND
   1223 	openup(stemc, dflag, vflag, ytab, ytabc);
   1224 	fout = dflag?fdefine:ftable;
   1225 	if(yyarg){
   1226 		Bprint(ftable, "#define\tYYARG\t1\n\n");
   1227 	}
   1228 	if((fd = mkstemp(ttempname)) >= 0){
   1229 		tempname = ttempname;
   1230 		ftemp = Bfdopen(fd, OWRITE);
   1231 	}
   1232 	if((fd = mkstemp(tactname)) >= 0){
   1233 		actname = tactname;
   1234 		faction = Bfdopen(fd, OWRITE);
   1235 	}
   1236 	if(ftemp == 0 || faction == 0)
   1237 		error("cannot open temp file");
   1238 	if(argc < 1)
   1239 		error("no input file");
   1240 	infile = argv[0];
   1241 	if(infile[0] != '/' && getwd(dirbuf, sizeof dirbuf)!=nil){
   1242 		i = strlen(infile)+1+strlen(dirbuf)+1+10;
   1243 		s = malloc(i);
   1244 		if(s != nil){
   1245 			snprint(s, i, "%s/%s", dirbuf, infile);
   1246 			cleanname(s);
   1247 			infile = s;
   1248 		}
   1249 	}
   1250 	finput = Bopen(infile, OREAD);
   1251 	if(finput == 0)
   1252 		error("cannot open '%s'", argv[0]);
   1253 	cnamp = cnames;
   1255 	defin(0, "$end");
   1256 	extval = PRIVATE;	/* tokens start in unicode 'private use' */
   1257 	defin(0, "error");
   1258 	defin(1, "$accept");
   1259 	defin(0, "$unk");
   1260 	mem = mem0;
   1261 	i = 0;
   1263 	for(t = gettok(); t != MARK && t != ENDFILE;)
   1264 	switch(t) {
   1265 	case ';':
   1266 		t = gettok();
   1267 		break;
   1269 	case START:
   1270 		if(gettok() != IDENTIFIER)
   1271 			error("bad %%start construction");
   1272 		start = chfind(1, tokname);
   1273 		t = gettok();
   1274 		continue;
   1276 	case TYPEDEF:
   1277 		if(gettok() != TYPENAME)
   1278 			error("bad syntax in %%type");
   1279 		ty = numbval;
   1280 		for(;;) {
   1281 			t = gettok();
   1282 			switch(t) {
   1283 			case IDENTIFIER:
   1284 				if((t=chfind(1, tokname)) < NTBASE) {
   1285 					j = TYPE(toklev[t]);
   1286 					if(j != 0 && j != ty)
   1287 						error("type redeclaration of token %s",
   1288 							tokset[t].name);
   1289 					else
   1290 						SETTYPE(toklev[t], ty);
   1291 				} else {
   1292 					j = nontrst[t-NTBASE].value;
   1293 					if(j != 0 && j != ty)
   1294 						error("type redeclaration of nonterminal %s",
   1295 							nontrst[t-NTBASE].name );
   1296 					else
   1297 						nontrst[t-NTBASE].value = ty;
   1298 				}
   1299 			case ',':
   1300 				continue;
   1301 			case ';':
   1302 				t = gettok();
   1303 			default:
   1304 				break;
   1305 			}
   1306 			break;
   1307 		}
   1308 		continue;
   1310 	case UNION:
   1311 		/* copy the union declaration to the output */
   1312 		cpyunion();
   1313 		t = gettok();
   1314 		continue;
   1316 	case LEFT:
   1317 	case BINARY:
   1318 	case RIGHT:
   1319 		i++;
   1321 	case TERM:
   1322 		/* nonzero means new prec. and assoc. */
   1323 		lev = t-TERM;
   1324 		ty = 0;
   1326 		/* get identifiers so defined */
   1327 		t = gettok();
   1329 		/* there is a type defined */
   1330 		if(t == TYPENAME) {
   1331 			ty = numbval;
   1332 			t = gettok();
   1333 		}
   1334 		for(;;) {
   1335 			switch(t) {
   1336 			case ',':
   1337 				t = gettok();
   1338 				continue;
   1340 			case ';':
   1341 				break;
   1343 			case IDENTIFIER:
   1344 				j = chfind(0, tokname);
   1345 				if(j >= NTBASE)
   1346 					error("%s defined earlier as nonterminal", tokname);
   1347 				if(lev) {
   1348 					if(ASSOC(toklev[j]))
   1349 						error("redeclaration of precedence of %s", tokname);
   1350 					SETASC(toklev[j], lev);
   1351 					SETPLEV(toklev[j], i);
   1352 				}
   1353 				if(ty) {
   1354 					if(TYPE(toklev[j]))
   1355 						error("redeclaration of type of %s", tokname);
   1356 					SETTYPE(toklev[j],ty);
   1357 				}
   1358 				t = gettok();
   1359 				if(t == NUMBER) {
   1360 					tokset[j].value = numbval;
   1361 					if(j < ndefout && j > 3)
   1362 						error("please define type number of %s earlier",
   1363 							tokset[j].name);
   1364 					t = gettok();
   1365 				}
   1366 				continue;
   1367 			}
   1368 			break;
   1369 		}
   1370 		continue;
   1372 	case LCURLY:
   1373 		defout(0);
   1374 		cpycode();
   1375 		t = gettok();
   1376 		continue;
   1378 	default:
   1379 		error("syntax error");
   1380 	}
   1381 	if(t == ENDFILE)
   1382 		error("unexpected EOF before %%");
   1384 	/* t is MARK */
   1385 	if(!yyarg)
   1386 		Bprint(ftable, "extern	int	yyerrflag;\n");
   1387 	Bprint(ftable, "#ifndef	YYMAXDEPTH\n");
   1388 	Bprint(ftable, "#define	YYMAXDEPTH	150\n");
   1389 	Bprint(ftable, "#endif\n" );
   1390 	if(!ntypes) {
   1391 		Bprint(ftable, "#ifndef	YYSTYPE\n");
   1392 		Bprint(ftable, "#define	YYSTYPE	int\n");
   1393 		Bprint(ftable, "#endif\n");
   1394 	}
   1395 	if(!yyarg){
   1396 		Bprint(ftable, "YYSTYPE	yylval;\n");
   1397 		Bprint(ftable, "YYSTYPE	yyval;\n");
   1398 	}else{
   1399 		if(dflag)
   1400 			Bprint(ftable, "#include \"%s.%s\"\n\n", stemc, FILED);
   1401 		Bprint(fout, "struct Yyarg {\n");
   1402 		Bprint(fout, "\tint\tyynerrs;\n");
   1403 		Bprint(fout, "\tint\tyyerrflag;\n");
   1404 		Bprint(fout, "\tvoid*\targ;\n");
   1405 		Bprint(fout, "\tYYSTYPE\tyyval;\n");
   1406 		Bprint(fout, "\tYYSTYPE\tyylval;\n");
   1407 		Bprint(fout, "};\n\n");
   1408 	}
   1409 	prdptr[0] = mem;
   1411 	/* added production */
   1412 	*mem++ = NTBASE;
   1414 	/* if start is 0, we will overwrite with the lhs of the first rule */
   1415 	*mem++ = start;
   1416 	*mem++ = 1;
   1417 	*mem++ = 0;
   1418 	prdptr[1] = mem;
   1419 	while((t=gettok()) == LCURLY)
   1420 		cpycode();
   1421 	if(t != IDENTCOLON)
   1422 		error("bad syntax on first rule");
   1424 	if(!start)
   1425 		prdptr[0][1] = chfind(1, tokname);
   1427 	/* read rules */
   1428 	while(t != MARK && t != ENDFILE) {
   1429 		/* process a rule */
   1430 		rlines[nprod] = lineno;
   1431 		if(t == '|')
   1432 			*mem++ = *prdptr[nprod-1];
   1433 		else
   1434 			if(t == IDENTCOLON) {
   1435 				*mem = chfind(1, tokname);
   1436 				if(*mem < NTBASE)
   1437 					error("token illegal on LHS of grammar rule");
   1438 				mem++;
   1439 			} else
   1440 				error("illegal rule: missing semicolon or | ?");
   1441 		/* read rule body */
   1442 		t = gettok();
   1444 	more_rule:
   1445 		while(t == IDENTIFIER) {
   1446 			*mem = chfind(1, tokname);
   1447 			if(*mem < NTBASE)
   1448 				levprd[nprod] = toklev[*mem];
   1449 			mem++;
   1450 			t = gettok();
   1451 		}
   1452 		if(t == PREC) {
   1453 			if(gettok() != IDENTIFIER)
   1454 				error("illegal %%prec syntax");
   1455 			j = chfind(2, tokname);
   1456 			if(j >= NTBASE)
   1457 				error("nonterminal %s illegal after %%prec",
   1458 					nontrst[j-NTBASE].name);
   1459 			levprd[nprod] = toklev[j];
   1460 			t = gettok();
   1461 		}
   1462 		if(t == '=') {
   1463 			levprd[nprod] |= ACTFLAG;
   1464 			Bprint(faction, "\ncase %d:", nprod);
   1465 			cpyact(mem-prdptr[nprod]-1);
   1466 			Bprint(faction, " break;");
   1467 			if((t=gettok()) == IDENTIFIER) {
   1469 				/* action within rule... */
   1470 				sprint(actnm, "$$%d", nprod);
   1472 				/* make it a nonterminal */
   1473 				j = chfind(1, actnm);
   1475 				/*
   1476 				 * the current rule will become rule number nprod+1
   1477 				 * move the contents down, and make room for the null
   1478 				 */
   1479 				for(p = mem; p >= prdptr[nprod]; --p)
   1480 					p[2] = *p;
   1481 				mem += 2;
   1483 				/* enter null production for action */
   1484 				p = prdptr[nprod];
   1485 				*p++ = j;
   1486 				*p++ = -nprod;
   1488 				/* update the production information */
   1489 				levprd[nprod+1] = levprd[nprod] & ~ACTFLAG;
   1490 				levprd[nprod] = ACTFLAG;
   1491 				if(++nprod >= NPROD)
   1492 					error("more than %d rules", NPROD);
   1493 				prdptr[nprod] = p;
   1495 				/* make the action appear in the original rule */
   1496 				*mem++ = j;
   1498 				/* get some more of the rule */
   1499 				goto more_rule;
   1500 			}
   1501 		}
   1503 		while(t == ';')
   1504 			t = gettok();
   1505 		*mem++ = -nprod;
   1507 		/* check that default action is reasonable */
   1508 		if(ntypes && !(levprd[nprod]&ACTFLAG) && nontrst[*prdptr[nprod]-NTBASE].value) {
   1510 			/* no explicit action, LHS has value */
   1511 			int tempty;
   1513 			tempty = prdptr[nprod][1];
   1514 			if(tempty < 0)
   1515 				error("must return a value, since LHS has a type");
   1516 			else
   1517 				if(tempty >= NTBASE)
   1518 					tempty = nontrst[tempty-NTBASE].value;
   1519 				else
   1520 					tempty = TYPE(toklev[tempty]);
   1521 			if(tempty != nontrst[*prdptr[nprod]-NTBASE].value)
   1522 				error("default action causes potential type clash");
   1523 		}
   1524 		nprod++;
   1525 		if(nprod >= NPROD)
   1526 			error("more than %d rules", NPROD);
   1527 		prdptr[nprod] = mem;
   1528 		levprd[nprod] = 0;
   1529 	}
   1531 	/* end of all rules */
   1532 	defout(1);
   1534 	finact();
   1535 	if(t == MARK) {
   1536 		Bprint(ftable, "\n");
   1537 		if(yyline)
   1538 			Bprint(ftable, "#line\t%d\t\"%s\"\n", lineno, infile);
   1539 		while((c=Bgetrune(finput)) != Beof)
   1540 			Bputrune(ftable, c);
   1541 	}
   1542 	Bterm(finput);
   1543 }
   1545 /*
   1546  * finish action routine
   1547  */
   1548 void
   1549 finact(void)
   1550 {
   1552 	Bterm(faction);
   1553 	Bprint(ftable, "#define YYEOFCODE %d\n", 1);
   1554 	Bprint(ftable, "#define YYERRCODE %d\n", 2);
   1555 }
   1557 /*
   1558  * define s to be a terminal if t=0
   1559  * or a nonterminal if t=1
   1560  */
   1561 int
   1562 defin(int nt, char *s)
   1563 {
   1564 	int val;
   1565 	Rune rune;
   1567 	val = 0;
   1568 	if(nt) {
   1569 		nnonter++;
   1570 		if(nnonter >= NNONTERM)
   1571 			error("too many nonterminals, limit %d",NNONTERM);
   1572 		nontrst[nnonter].name = cstash(s);
   1573 		return NTBASE + nnonter;
   1574 	}
   1576 	/* must be a token */
   1577 	ntokens++;
   1578 	if(ntokens >= NTERMS)
   1579 		error("too many terminals, limit %d", NTERMS);
   1580 	tokset[ntokens].name = cstash(s);
   1582 	/* establish value for token */
   1583 	/* single character literal */
   1584 	if(s[0] == ' ') {
   1585 		val = chartorune(&rune, &s[1]);
   1586 		if(s[val+1] == 0) {
   1587 			val = rune;
   1588 			goto out;
   1589 		}
   1590 	}
   1592 	/* escape sequence */
   1593 	if(s[0] == ' ' && s[1] == '\\') {
   1594 		if(s[3] == 0) {
   1595 			/* single character escape sequence */
   1596 			switch(s[2]) {
   1597 			case 'n':	val = '\n'; break;
   1598 			case 'r':	val = '\r'; break;
   1599 			case 'b':	val = '\b'; break;
   1600 			case 't':	val = '\t'; break;
   1601 			case 'f':	val = '\f'; break;
   1602 			case '\'':	val = '\''; break;
   1603 			case '"':	val = '"'; break;
   1604 			case '\\':	val = '\\'; break;
   1605 			default:	error("invalid escape");
   1606 			}
   1607 			goto out;
   1608 		}
   1610 		/* \nnn sequence */
   1611 		if(s[2] >= '0' && s[2] <= '7') {
   1612 			if(s[3] < '0' ||
   1613 			   s[3] > '7' ||
   1614 			   s[4] < '0' ||
   1615 			   s[4] > '7' ||
   1616 			   s[5] != 0)
   1617 				error("illegal \\nnn construction");
   1618 			val = 64*s[2] + 8*s[3] + s[4] - 73*'0';
   1619 			if(val == 0)
   1620 				error("'\\000' is illegal");
   1621 			goto out;
   1622 		}
   1623 		error("unknown escape");
   1624 	}
   1625 	val = extval++;
   1627 out:
   1628 	tokset[ntokens].value = val;
   1629 	toklev[ntokens] = 0;
   1630 	return ntokens;
   1631 }
   1633 /*
   1634  * write out the defines (at the end of the declaration section)
   1635  */
   1636 void
   1637 defout(int last)
   1638 {
   1639 	int i, c;
   1640 	char sar[NAMESIZE+10];
   1642 	for(i=ndefout; i<=ntokens; i++) {
   1643 		/* non-literals */
   1644 		c = tokset[i].name[0];
   1645 		if(c != ' ' && c != '$') {
   1646 			Bprint(ftable, "#define	%s	%d\n",
   1647 				tokset[i].name, tokset[i].value);
   1648 			if(fdefine)
   1649 				Bprint(fdefine, "#define\t%s\t%d\n",
   1650 					tokset[i].name, tokset[i].value);
   1651 		}
   1652 	}
   1653 	ndefout = ntokens+1;
   1654 	if(last && fdebug) {
   1655 		Bprint(fdebug, "static	char*	yytoknames[] =\n{\n");
   1656 		TLOOP(i) {
   1657 			if(tokset[i].name) {
   1658 				chcopy(sar, tokset[i].name);
   1659 				Bprint(fdebug, "\t\"%s\",\n", sar);
   1660 				continue;
   1661 			}
   1662 			Bprint(fdebug, "\t0,\n");
   1663 		}
   1664 		Bprint(fdebug, "};\n");
   1665 	}
   1666 }
   1668 char*
   1669 cstash(char *s)
   1670 {
   1671 	char *temp;
   1673 	temp = cnamp;
   1674 	do {
   1675 		if(cnamp >= &cnames[cnamsz])
   1676 			error("too many characters in id's and literals");
   1677 		else
   1678 			*cnamp++ = *s;
   1679 	} while(*s++);
   1680 	return temp;
   1681 }
   1683 long
   1684 gettok(void)
   1685 {
   1686 	long c;
   1687 	Rune rune;
   1688 	int i, base, match, reserve;
   1689 	static int peekline;
   1691 begin:
   1692 	reserve = 0;
   1693 	lineno += peekline;
   1694 	peekline = 0;
   1695 	c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1696 	while(c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\f') {
   1697 		if(c == '\n')
   1698 			lineno++;
   1699 		c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1700 	}
   1702 	/* skip comment */
   1703 	if(c == '/') {
   1704 		lineno += skipcom();
   1705 		goto begin;
   1706 	}
   1707 	switch(c) {
   1708 	case Beof:
   1709 		return ENDFILE;
   1711 	case '{':
   1712 		Bungetrune(finput);
   1713 		return '=';
   1715 	case '<':
   1716 		/* get, and look up, a type name (union member name) */
   1717 		i = 0;
   1718 		while((c=Bgetrune(finput)) != '>' && c >= 0 && c != '\n') {
   1719 			rune = c;
   1720 			c = runetochar(&tokname[i], &rune);
   1721 			if(i < NAMESIZE)
   1722 				i += c;
   1723 		}
   1724 		if(c != '>')
   1725 			error("unterminated < ... > clause");
   1726 		tokname[i] = 0;
   1727 		for(i=1; i<=ntypes; i++)
   1728 			if(!strcmp(typeset[i], tokname)) {
   1729 				numbval = i;
   1730 				return TYPENAME;
   1731 			}
   1732 		ntypes++;
   1733 		numbval = ntypes;
   1734 		typeset[numbval] = cstash(tokname);
   1735 		return TYPENAME;
   1737 	case '"':
   1738 	case '\'':
   1739 		match = c;
   1740 		tokname[0] = ' ';
   1741 		i = 1;
   1742 		for(;;) {
   1743 			c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1744 			if(c == '\n' || c <= 0)
   1745 				error("illegal or missing ' or \"" );
   1746 			if(c == '\\') {
   1747 				tokname[i] = '\\';
   1748 				if(i < NAMESIZE)
   1749 					i++;
   1750 				c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1751 			} else
   1752 				if(c == match)
   1753 					break;
   1754 			rune = c;
   1755 			c = runetochar(&tokname[i], &rune);
   1756 			if(i < NAMESIZE)
   1757 				i += c;
   1758 		}
   1759 		break;
   1761 	case '%':
   1762 	case '\\':
   1763 		switch(c = Bgetrune(finput)) {
   1764 		case '0':	return TERM;
   1765 		case '<':	return LEFT;
   1766 		case '2':	return BINARY;
   1767 		case '>':	return RIGHT;
   1768 		case '%':
   1769 		case '\\':	return MARK;
   1770 		case '=':	return PREC;
   1771 		case '{':	return LCURLY;
   1772 		default:	reserve = 1;
   1773 		}
   1775 	default:
   1776 		/* number */
   1777 		if(isdigit(c)) {
   1778 			numbval = c-'0';
   1779 			base = (c=='0')? 8: 10;
   1780 			for(c = Bgetrune(finput); isdigit(c); c = Bgetrune(finput))
   1781 				numbval = numbval*base + (c-'0');
   1782 			Bungetrune(finput);
   1783 			return NUMBER;
   1784 		}
   1785 		if(islower(c) || isupper(c) || c=='_' || c=='.' || c=='$')  {
   1786 			i = 0;
   1787 			while(islower(c) || isupper(c) || isdigit(c) ||
   1788 			    c == '-' || c=='_' || c=='.' || c=='$') {
   1789 				if(reserve && isupper(c))
   1790 					c += 'a'-'A';
   1791 				rune = c;
   1792 				c = runetochar(&tokname[i], &rune);
   1793 				if(i < NAMESIZE)
   1794 					i += c;
   1795 				c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1796 			}
   1797 		} else
   1798 			return c;
   1799 		Bungetrune(finput);
   1800 	}
   1801 	tokname[i] = 0;
   1803 	/* find a reserved word */
   1804 	if(reserve) {
   1805 		for(c=0; resrv[c].name; c++)
   1806 			if(strcmp(tokname, resrv[c].name) == 0)
   1807 				return resrv[c].value;
   1808 		error("invalid escape, or illegal reserved word: %s", tokname);
   1809 	}
   1811 	/* look ahead to distinguish IDENTIFIER from IDENTCOLON */
   1812 	c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1813 	while(c == ' ' || c == '\t'|| c == '\n' || c == '\f' || c == '/') {
   1814 		if(c == '\n')
   1815 			peekline++;
   1816 		/* look for comments */
   1817 		if(c == '/')
   1818 			peekline += skipcom();
   1819 		c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1820 	}
   1821 	if(c == ':')
   1822 		return IDENTCOLON;
   1823 	Bungetrune(finput);
   1824 	return IDENTIFIER;
   1825 }
   1827 /*
   1828  * determine the type of a symbol
   1829  */
   1830 int
   1831 fdtype(int t)
   1832 {
   1833 	int v;
   1835 	if(t >= NTBASE)
   1836 		v = nontrst[t-NTBASE].value;
   1837 	else
   1838 		v = TYPE(toklev[t]);
   1839 	if(v <= 0)
   1840 		error("must specify type for %s", (t>=NTBASE)?
   1841 			nontrst[t-NTBASE].name: tokset[t].name);
   1842 	return v;
   1843 }
   1845 int
   1846 chfind(int t, char *s)
   1847 {
   1848 	int i;
   1850 	if(s[0] == ' ')
   1851 		t = 0;
   1852 	TLOOP(i)
   1853 		if(!strcmp(s, tokset[i].name))
   1854 			return i;
   1855 	NTLOOP(i)
   1856 		if(!strcmp(s, nontrst[i].name))
   1857 			return NTBASE+i;
   1859 	/* cannot find name */
   1860 	if(t > 1)
   1861 		error("%s should have been defined earlier", s);
   1862 	return defin(t, s);
   1863 }
   1865 /*
   1866  * copy the union declaration to the output, and the define file if present
   1867  */
   1868 void
   1869 cpyunion(void)
   1870 {
   1871 	long c;
   1872 	int level;
   1874 	Bprint(ftable, "\n");
   1875 	if(yyline)
   1876 		Bprint(ftable, "#line\t%d\t\"%s\"\n", lineno, infile);
   1877 	Bprint(ftable, "typedef union ");
   1878 	if(fdefine != 0)
   1879 		Bprint(fdefine, "\ntypedef union ");
   1881 	level = 0;
   1882 	for(;;) {
   1883 		if((c=Bgetrune(finput)) == Beof)
   1884 			error("EOF encountered while processing %%union");
   1885 		Bputrune(ftable, c);
   1886 		if(fdefine != 0)
   1887 			Bputrune(fdefine, c);
   1888 		switch(c) {
   1889 		case '\n':
   1890 			lineno++;
   1891 			break;
   1892 		case '{':
   1893 			level++;
   1894 			break;
   1895 		case '}':
   1896 			level--;
   1898 			/* we are finished copying */
   1899 			if(level == 0) {
   1900 				Bprint(ftable, " YYSTYPE;\n");
   1901 				if(fdefine != 0){
   1902 					Bprint(fdefine, "\tYYSTYPE;\n");
   1903 					if(!yyarg)
   1904 						Bprint(fdefine, "extern\tYYSTYPE\tyylval;\n");
   1905 				}
   1906 				return;
   1907 			}
   1908 		}
   1909 	}
   1910 }
   1912 /*
   1913  * copies code between \{ and \}
   1914  */
   1915 void
   1916 cpycode(void)
   1917 {
   1918 	long c;
   1920 	c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1921 	if(c == '\n') {
   1922 		c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1923 		lineno++;
   1924 	}
   1925 	Bprint(ftable, "\n");
   1926 	if(yyline)
   1927 		Bprint(ftable, "#line\t%d\t\"%s\"\n", lineno, infile);
   1928 	while(c != Beof) {
   1929 		if(c == '\\') {
   1930 			if((c=Bgetrune(finput)) == '}')
   1931 				return;
   1932 			Bputc(ftable, '\\');
   1933 		}
   1934 		if(c == '%') {
   1935 			if((c=Bgetrune(finput)) == '}')
   1936 				return;
   1937 			Bputc(ftable, '%');
   1938 		}
   1939 		Bputrune(ftable, c);
   1940 		if(c == '\n')
   1941 			lineno++;
   1942 		c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1943 	}
   1944 	error("eof before %%}");
   1945 }
   1947 /*
   1948  * skip over comments
   1949  * skipcom is called after reading a '/'
   1950  */
   1951 int
   1952 skipcom(void)
   1953 {
   1954 	long c;
   1955 	int i;
   1957 	/* i is the number of lines skipped */
   1958 	i = 0;
   1959 	if(Bgetrune(finput) != '*')
   1960 		error("illegal comment");
   1961 	c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1962 	while(c != Beof) {
   1963 		while(c == '*')
   1964 			if((c=Bgetrune(finput)) == '/')
   1965 				return i;
   1966 		if(c == '\n')
   1967 			i++;
   1968 		c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1969 	}
   1970 	error("EOF inside comment");
   1971 	return 0;
   1972 }
   1974 /*
   1975  * copy C action to the next ; or closing }
   1976  */
   1977 void
   1978 cpyact(int offset)
   1979 {
   1980 	long c;
   1981 	int brac, match, j, s, fnd, tok;
   1983 	Bprint(faction, "\n");
   1984 	if(yyline)
   1985 		Bprint(faction, "#line\t%d\t\"%s\"\n", lineno, infile);
   1986 	brac = 0;
   1988 loop:
   1989 	c = Bgetrune(finput);
   1990 swt:
   1991 	switch(c) {
   1992 	case ';':
   1993 		if(brac == 0) {
   1994 			Bputrune(faction, c);
   1995 			return;
   1996 		}
   1997 		goto lcopy;
   1999 	case '{':
   2000 		brac++;
   2001 		goto lcopy;
   2003 	case '$':
   2004 		s = 1;
   2005 		tok = -1;
   2006 		c = Bgetrune(finput);
   2008 		/* type description */
   2009 		if(c == '<') {
   2010 			Bungetrune(finput);
   2011 			if(gettok() != TYPENAME)
   2012 				error("bad syntax on $<ident> clause");
   2013 			tok = numbval;
   2014 			c = Bgetrune(finput);
   2015 		}
   2016 		if(c == '$') {
   2017 			Bprint(faction, "yyval");
   2019 			/* put out the proper tag... */
   2020 			if(ntypes) {
   2021 				if(tok < 0)
   2022 					tok = fdtype(*prdptr[nprod]);
   2023 				Bprint(faction, ".%s", typeset[tok]);
   2024 			}
   2025 			goto loop;
   2026 		}
   2027 		if(c == '-') {
   2028 			s = -s;
   2029 			c = Bgetrune(finput);
   2030 		}
   2031 		if(isdigit(c)) {
   2032 			j = 0;
   2033 			while(isdigit(c)) {
   2034 				j = j*10 + (c-'0');
   2035 				c = Bgetrune(finput);
   2036 			}
   2037 			Bungetrune(finput);
   2038 			j = j*s - offset;
   2039 			if(j > 0)
   2040 				error("Illegal use of $%d", j+offset);
   2042 		dollar:
   2043 			Bprint(faction, "yypt[-%d].yyv", -j);
   2045 			/* put out the proper tag */
   2046 			if(ntypes) {
   2047 				if(j+offset <= 0 && tok < 0)
   2048 					error("must specify type of $%d", j+offset);
   2049 				if(tok < 0)
   2050 					tok = fdtype(prdptr[nprod][j+offset]);
   2051 				Bprint(faction, ".%s", typeset[tok]);
   2052 			}
   2053 			goto loop;
   2054 		}
   2055 		if(isupper(c) || islower(c) || c == '_' || c == '.') {
   2056 			int tok; /* tok used oustide for type info */
   2058 			/* look for $name */
   2059 			Bungetrune(finput);
   2060 			if(gettok() != IDENTIFIER)
   2061 				error("$ must be followed by an identifier");
   2062 			tok = chfind(2, tokname);
   2063 			if((c = Bgetrune(finput)) != '#') {
   2064 				Bungetrune(finput);
   2065 				fnd = -1;
   2066 			} else
   2067 				if(gettok() != NUMBER) {
   2068 					error("# must be followed by number");
   2069 					fnd = -1;
   2070 				} else
   2071 					fnd = numbval;
   2072 			for(j=1; j<=offset; ++j)
   2073 				if(tok == prdptr[nprod][j]) {
   2074 					if(--fnd <= 0) {
   2075 						j -= offset;
   2076 						goto dollar;
   2077 					}
   2078 				}
   2079 			error("$name or $name#number not found");
   2080 		}
   2081 		Bputc(faction, '$');
   2082 		if(s < 0 )
   2083 			Bputc(faction, '-');
   2084 		goto swt;
   2086 	case '}':
   2087 		brac--;
   2088 		if(brac)
   2089 			goto lcopy;
   2090 		Bputrune(faction, c);
   2091 		return;
   2093 	case '/':
   2094 		/* look for comments */
   2095 		Bputrune(faction, c);
   2096 		c = Bgetrune(finput);
   2097 		if(c != '*')
   2098 			goto swt;
   2100 		/* it really is a comment */
   2101 		Bputrune(faction, c);
   2102 		c = Bgetrune(finput);
   2103 		while(c >= 0) {
   2104 			while(c == '*') {
   2105 				Bputrune(faction, c);
   2106 				if((c=Bgetrune(finput)) == '/')
   2107 					goto lcopy;
   2108 			}
   2109 			Bputrune(faction, c);
   2110 			if(c == '\n')
   2111 				lineno++;
   2112 			c = Bgetrune(finput);
   2113 		}
   2114 		error("EOF inside comment");
   2116 	case '\'':
   2117 		/* character constant */
   2118 		match = '\'';
   2119 		goto string;
   2121 	case '"':
   2122 		/* character string */
   2123 		match = '"';
   2125 	string:
   2126 		Bputrune(faction, c);
   2127 		while(c = Bgetrune(finput)) {
   2128 			if(c == '\\') {
   2129 				Bputrune(faction, c);
   2130 				c = Bgetrune(finput);
   2131 				if(c == '\n')
   2132 					lineno++;
   2133 			} else
   2134 				if(c == match)
   2135 					goto lcopy;
   2136 				if(c == '\n')
   2137 					error("newline in string or char. const.");
   2138 			Bputrune(faction, c);
   2139 		}
   2140 		error("EOF in string or character constant");
   2142 	case Beof:
   2143 		error("action does not terminate");
   2145 	case '\n':
   2146 		lineno++;
   2147 		goto lcopy;
   2148 	}
   2150 lcopy:
   2151 	Bputrune(faction, c);
   2152 	goto loop;
   2153 }
   2155 void
   2156 openup(char *stem, int dflag, int vflag, int ytab, char *ytabc)
   2157 {
   2158 	char buf[256];
   2160 	if(vflag) {
   2161 		sprint(buf, "%s.%s", stem, FILEU);
   2162 		foutput = Bopen(buf, OWRITE);
   2163 		if(foutput == 0)
   2164 			error("cannot open %s", buf);
   2165 	}
   2166 	if(yydebug) {
   2167 		sprint(buf, "%s.%s", stem, FILEDEBUG);
   2168 		if((fdebug = Bopen(buf, OWRITE)) == 0)
   2169 			error("can't open %s", buf);
   2170 	}
   2171 	if(dflag) {
   2172 		sprint(buf, "%s.%s", stem, FILED);
   2173 		fdefine = Bopen(buf, OWRITE);
   2174 		if(fdefine == 0)
   2175 			error("can't create %s", buf);
   2176 	}
   2177 	if(ytab == 0)
   2178 		sprint(buf, "%s.%s", stem, OFILE);
   2179 	else
   2180 		strcpy(buf, ytabc);
   2181 	ftable = Bopen(buf, OWRITE);
   2182 	if(ftable == 0)
   2183 		error("cannot open table file %s", buf);
   2184 }
   2186 /*
   2187  * print the output for the states
   2188  */
   2189 void
   2190 output(void)
   2191 {
   2192 	int i, k, c;
   2193 	Wset *u, *v;
   2195 	Bprint(ftable, "static\tconst\tshort	yyexca[] =\n{");
   2196 	if(fdebug)
   2197 		Bprint(fdebug, "static\tconst\tchar*	yystates[] =\n{\n");
   2199 	/* output the stuff for state i */
   2200 	SLOOP(i) {
   2201 		nolook = tystate[i]!=MUSTLOOKAHEAD;
   2202 		closure(i);
   2204 		/* output actions */
   2205 		nolook = 1;
   2206 		aryfil(temp1, ntokens+nnonter+1, 0);
   2207 		WSLOOP(wsets, u) {
   2208 			c = *(u->pitem);
   2209 			if(c > 1 && c < NTBASE && temp1[c] == 0) {
   2210 				WSLOOP(u, v)
   2211 					if(c == *(v->pitem))
   2212 						putitem(v->pitem+1, (Lkset*)0);
   2213 				temp1[c] = state(c);
   2214 			} else
   2215 				if(c > NTBASE && temp1[(c -= NTBASE) + ntokens] == 0)
   2216 					temp1[c+ntokens] = amem[indgo[i]+c];
   2217 		}
   2218 		if(i == 1)
   2219 			temp1[1] = ACCEPTCODE;
   2221 		/* now, we have the shifts; look at the reductions */
   2222 		lastred = 0;
   2223 		WSLOOP(wsets, u) {
   2224 			c = *u->pitem;
   2226 			/* reduction */
   2227 			if(c <= 0) {
   2228 				lastred = -c;
   2229 				TLOOP(k)
   2230 					if(BIT(u->ws.lset, k)) {
   2231 						if(temp1[k] == 0)
   2232 							temp1[k] = c;
   2233 						else
   2234 						if(temp1[k] < 0) { /* reduce/reduce conflict */
   2235 							if(foutput)
   2236 								Bprint(foutput,
   2237 									"\n%d: reduce/reduce conflict"
   2238 									" (red'ns %d and %d ) on %s",
   2239 									i, -temp1[k], lastred,
   2240 									symnam(k));
   2241 							if(-temp1[k] > lastred)
   2242 								temp1[k] = -lastred;
   2243 							zzrrconf++;
   2244 						} else
   2245 							/* potential shift/reduce conflict */
   2246 							precftn( lastred, k, i );
   2247 					}
   2248 				}
   2249 		}
   2250 		wract(i);
   2251 	}
   2253 	if(fdebug)
   2254 		Bprint(fdebug, "};\n");
   2255 	Bprint(ftable, "};\n");
   2256 	Bprint(ftable, "#define	YYNPROD	%d\n", nprod);
   2257 	Bprint(ftable, "#define	YYPRIVATE %d\n", PRIVATE);
   2258 	if(yydebug)
   2259 		Bprint(ftable, "#define	yydebug	%s\n", yydebug);
   2260 }
   2262 /*
   2263  * pack state i from temp1 into amem
   2264  */
   2265 int
   2266 apack(int *p, int n)
   2267 {
   2268 	int *pp, *qq, *rr, off, *q, *r;
   2270 	/* we don't need to worry about checking because
   2271 	 * we will only look at entries known to be there...
   2272 	 * eliminate leading and trailing 0's
   2273 	 */
   2275 	q = p+n;
   2276 	for(pp = p, off = 0; *pp == 0 && pp <= q; ++pp, --off)
   2277 		;
   2278  	/* no actions */
   2279 	if(pp > q)
   2280 		return 0;
   2281 	p = pp;
   2283 	/* now, find a place for the elements from p to q, inclusive */
   2284 	r = &amem[ACTSIZE-1];
   2285 	for(rr = amem; rr <= r; rr++, off++) {
   2286 		for(qq = rr, pp = p; pp <= q; pp++, qq++)
   2287 			if(*pp != 0)
   2288 				if(*pp != *qq && *qq != 0)
   2289 					goto nextk;
   2291 		/* we have found an acceptable k */
   2292 		if(pkdebug && foutput != 0)
   2293 			Bprint(foutput, "off = %d, k = %d\n", off, (int)(rr-amem));
   2294 		for(qq = rr, pp = p; pp <= q; pp++, qq++)
   2295 			if(*pp) {
   2296 				if(qq > r)
   2297 					error("action table overflow");
   2298 				if(qq > memp)
   2299 					memp = qq;
   2300 				*qq = *pp;
   2301 			}
   2302 		if(pkdebug && foutput != 0)
   2303 			for(pp = amem; pp <= memp; pp += 10) {
   2304 				Bprint(foutput, "\t");
   2305 				for(qq = pp; qq <= pp+9; qq++)
   2306 					Bprint(foutput, "%d ", *qq);
   2307 				Bprint(foutput, "\n");
   2308 			}
   2309 		return(off);
   2310 	nextk:;
   2311 	}
   2312 	error("no space in action table");
   2313 	return 0;
   2314 }
   2316 /*
   2317  * output the gotos for the nontermninals
   2318  */
   2319 void
   2320 go2out(void)
   2321 {
   2322 	int i, j, k, best, count, cbest, times;
   2324 	/* mark begining of gotos */
   2325 	Bprint(ftemp, "$\n");
   2326 	for(i = 1; i <= nnonter; i++) {
   2327 		go2gen(i);
   2329 		/* find the best one to make default */
   2330 		best = -1;
   2331 		times = 0;
   2333 		/* is j the most frequent */
   2334 		for(j = 0; j <= nstate; j++) {
   2335 			if(tystate[j] == 0)
   2336 				continue;
   2337 			if(tystate[j] == best)
   2338 				continue;
   2340 			/* is tystate[j] the most frequent */
   2341 			count = 0;
   2342 			cbest = tystate[j];
   2343 			for(k = j; k <= nstate; k++)
   2344 				if(tystate[k] == cbest)
   2345 					count++;
   2346 			if(count > times) {
   2347 				best = cbest;
   2348 				times = count;
   2349 			}
   2350 		}
   2352 		/* best is now the default entry */
   2353 		zzgobest += times-1;
   2354 		for(j = 0; j <= nstate; j++)
   2355 			if(tystate[j] != 0 && tystate[j] != best) {
   2356 				Bprint(ftemp, "%d,%d,", j, tystate[j]);
   2357 				zzgoent++;
   2358 			}
   2360 		/* now, the default */
   2361 		if(best == -1)
   2362 			best = 0;
   2363 		zzgoent++;
   2364 		Bprint(ftemp, "%d\n", best);
   2365 	}
   2366 }
   2368 /*
   2369  * output the gotos for nonterminal c
   2370  */
   2371 void
   2372 go2gen(int c)
   2373 {
   2374 	int i, work, cc;
   2375 	Item *p, *q;
   2378 	/* first, find nonterminals with gotos on c */
   2379 	aryfil(temp1, nnonter+1, 0);
   2380 	temp1[c] = 1;
   2381 	work = 1;
   2382 	while(work) {
   2383 		work = 0;
   2384 		PLOOP(0, i)
   2386 			/* cc is a nonterminal */
   2387 			if((cc=prdptr[i][1]-NTBASE) >= 0)
   2388 				/* cc has a goto on c */
   2389 				if(temp1[cc] != 0) {
   2391 					/* thus, the left side of production i does too */
   2392 					cc = *prdptr[i]-NTBASE;
   2393 					if(temp1[cc] == 0) {
   2394 						  work = 1;
   2395 						  temp1[cc] = 1;
   2396 					}
   2397 				}
   2398 	}
   2400 	/* now, we have temp1[c] = 1 if a goto on c in closure of cc */
   2401 	if(g2debug && foutput != 0) {
   2402 		Bprint(foutput, "%s: gotos on ", nontrst[c].name);
   2403 		NTLOOP(i)
   2404 			if(temp1[i])
   2405 				Bprint(foutput, "%s ", nontrst[i].name);
   2406 		Bprint(foutput, "\n");
   2407 	}
   2409 	/* now, go through and put gotos into tystate */
   2410 	aryfil(tystate, nstate, 0);
   2411 	SLOOP(i)
   2412 		ITMLOOP(i, p, q)
   2413 			if((cc = *p->pitem) >= NTBASE)
   2414 				/* goto on c is possible */
   2415 				if(temp1[cc-NTBASE]) {
   2416 					tystate[i] = amem[indgo[i]+c];
   2417 					break;
   2418 				}
   2419 }
   2421 /*
   2422  * decide a shift/reduce conflict by precedence.
   2423  * r is a rule number, t a token number
   2424  * the conflict is in state s
   2425  * temp1[t] is changed to reflect the action
   2426  */
   2427 void
   2428 precftn(int r, int t, int s)
   2429 {
   2430 	int lp, lt, action;
   2432 	lp = levprd[r];
   2433 	lt = toklev[t];
   2434 	if(PLEVEL(lt) == 0 || PLEVEL(lp) == 0) {
   2436 		/* conflict */
   2437 		if(foutput != 0)
   2438 			Bprint(foutput,
   2439 				"\n%d: shift/reduce conflict (shift %d(%d), red'n %d(%d)) on %s",
   2440 				s, temp1[t], PLEVEL(lt), r, PLEVEL(lp), symnam(t));
   2441 		zzsrconf++;
   2442 		return;
   2443 	}
   2444 	if(PLEVEL(lt) == PLEVEL(lp))
   2445 		action = ASSOC(lt);
   2446 	else
   2447 		if(PLEVEL(lt) > PLEVEL(lp))
   2448 			action = RASC;  /* shift */
   2449 		else
   2450 			action = LASC;  /* reduce */
   2451 	switch(action) {
   2452 	case BASC:  /* error action */
   2453 		temp1[t] = ERRCODE;
   2454 		break;
   2455 	case LASC:  /* reduce */
   2456 		temp1[t] = -r;
   2457 		break;
   2458 	}
   2459 }
   2461 /*
   2462  * output state i
   2463  * temp1 has the actions, lastred the default
   2464  */
   2465 void
   2466 wract(int i)
   2467 {
   2468 	int p, p0, p1, ntimes, tred, count, j, flag;
   2470 	/* find the best choice for lastred */
   2471 	lastred = 0;
   2472 	ntimes = 0;
   2473 	TLOOP(j) {
   2474 		if(temp1[j] >= 0)
   2475 			continue;
   2476 		if(temp1[j]+lastred == 0)
   2477 			continue;
   2478 		/* count the number of appearances of temp1[j] */
   2479 		count = 0;
   2480 		tred = -temp1[j];
   2481 		levprd[tred] |= REDFLAG;
   2482 		TLOOP(p)
   2483 			if(temp1[p]+tred == 0)
   2484 				count++;
   2485 		if(count > ntimes) {
   2486 			lastred = tred;
   2487 			ntimes = count;
   2488 		}
   2489 	}
   2491 	/*
   2492 	 * for error recovery, arrange that, if there is a shift on the
   2493 	 * error recovery token, `error', that the default be the error action
   2494 	 */
   2495 	if(temp1[2] > 0)
   2496 		lastred = 0;
   2498 	/* clear out entries in temp1 which equal lastred */
   2499 	TLOOP(p)
   2500 		if(temp1[p]+lastred == 0)
   2501 			temp1[p] = 0;
   2503 	wrstate(i);
   2504 	defact[i] = lastred;
   2505 	flag = 0;
   2506 	TLOOP(p0)
   2507 		if((p1=temp1[p0]) != 0) {
   2508 			if(p1 < 0) {
   2509 				p1 = -p1;
   2510 				goto exc;
   2511 			}
   2512 			if(p1 == ACCEPTCODE) {
   2513 				p1 = -1;
   2514 				goto exc;
   2515 			}
   2516 			if(p1 == ERRCODE) {
   2517 				p1 = 0;
   2518 			exc:
   2519 				if(flag++ == 0)
   2520 					Bprint(ftable, "-1, %d,\n", i);
   2521 				Bprint(ftable, "\t%d, %d,\n", p0, p1);
   2522 				zzexcp++;
   2523 				continue;
   2524 			}
   2525 			Bprint(ftemp, "%d,%d,", p0, p1);
   2526 			zzacent++;
   2527 		}
   2528 	if(flag) {
   2529 		defact[i] = -2;
   2530 		Bprint(ftable, "\t-2, %d,\n", lastred);
   2531 	}
   2532 	Bprint(ftemp, "\n");
   2533 }
   2535 /*
   2536  * writes state i
   2537  */
   2538 void
   2539 wrstate(int i)
   2540 {
   2541 	int j0, j1;
   2542 	Item *pp, *qq;
   2543 	Wset *u;
   2545 	if(fdebug) {
   2546 		if(lastred) {
   2547 			Bprint(fdebug, "	0, /*%d*/\n", i);
   2548 		} else {
   2549 			Bprint(fdebug, "	\"");
   2550 			ITMLOOP(i, pp, qq)
   2551 				Bprint(fdebug, "%s\\n", writem(pp->pitem));
   2552 			if(tystate[i] == MUSTLOOKAHEAD)
   2553 				WSLOOP(wsets + (pstate[i+1] - pstate[i]), u)
   2554 					if(*u->pitem < 0)
   2555 						Bprint(fdebug, "%s\\n", writem(u->pitem));
   2556 			Bprint(fdebug, "\", /*%d*/\n", i);
   2557 		}
   2558 	}
   2559 	if(foutput == 0)
   2560 		return;
   2561 	Bprint(foutput, "\nstate %d\n", i);
   2562 	ITMLOOP(i, pp, qq)
   2563 		Bprint(foutput, "\t%s\n", writem(pp->pitem));
   2564 	if(tystate[i] == MUSTLOOKAHEAD)
   2565 		/* print out empty productions in closure */
   2566 		WSLOOP(wsets+(pstate[i+1]-pstate[i]), u)
   2567 			if(*u->pitem < 0)
   2568 				Bprint(foutput, "\t%s\n", writem(u->pitem));
   2570 	/* check for state equal to another */
   2571 	TLOOP(j0)
   2572 		if((j1=temp1[j0]) != 0) {
   2573 			Bprint(foutput, "\n\t%s  ", symnam(j0));
   2574 			/* shift, error, or accept */
   2575 			if(j1 > 0) {
   2576 				if(j1 == ACCEPTCODE)
   2577 					Bprint(foutput,  "accept");
   2578 				else
   2579 					if(j1 == ERRCODE)
   2580 						Bprint(foutput, "error");
   2581 					else
   2582 						Bprint(foutput, "shift %d", j1);
   2583 			} else
   2584 				Bprint(foutput, "reduce %d (src line %d)", -j1, rlines[-j1]);
   2585 		}
   2587 	/* output the final production */
   2588 	if(lastred)
   2589 		Bprint(foutput, "\n\t.  reduce %d (src line %d)\n\n",
   2590 			lastred, rlines[lastred]);
   2591 	else
   2592 		Bprint(foutput, "\n\t.  error\n\n");
   2594 	/* now, output nonterminal actions */
   2595 	j1 = ntokens;
   2596 	for(j0 = 1; j0 <= nnonter; j0++) {
   2597 		j1++;
   2598 		if(temp1[j1])
   2599 			Bprint(foutput, "\t%s  goto %d\n", symnam(j0+NTBASE), temp1[j1]);
   2600 	}
   2601 }
   2603 void
   2604 warray(char *s, int *v, int n)
   2605 {
   2606 	int i;
   2608 	Bprint(ftable, "static\tconst\tshort	%s[] =\n{", s);
   2609 	for(i=0;;) {
   2610 		if(i%10 == 0)
   2611 			Bprint(ftable, "\n");
   2612 		Bprint(ftable, "%4d", v[i]);
   2613 		i++;
   2614 		if(i >= n) {
   2615 			Bprint(ftable, "\n};\n");
   2616 			break;
   2617 		}
   2618 		Bprint(ftable, ",");
   2619 	}
   2620 }
   2622 /*
   2623  * in order to free up the mem and amem arrays for the optimizer,
   2624  * and still be able to output yyr1, etc., after the sizes of
   2625  * the action array is known, we hide the nonterminals
   2626  * derived by productions in levprd.
   2627  */
   2629 void
   2630 hideprod(void)
   2631 {
   2632 	int i, j;
   2634 	j = 0;
   2635 	levprd[0] = 0;
   2636 	PLOOP(1, i) {
   2637 		if(!(levprd[i] & REDFLAG)) {
   2638 			j++;
   2639 			if(foutput != 0)
   2640 				Bprint(foutput, "Rule not reduced:   %s\n", writem(prdptr[i]));
   2641 		}
   2642 		levprd[i] = *prdptr[i] - NTBASE;
   2643 	}
   2644 	if(j)
   2645 		print("%d rules never reduced\n", j);
   2646 }
   2648 void
   2649 callopt(void)
   2650 {
   2651 	int i, *p, j, k, *q;
   2653 	/* read the arrays from tempfile and set parameters */
   2654 	finput = Bopen(tempname, OREAD);
   2655 	if(finput == 0)
   2656 		error("optimizer cannot open tempfile");
   2658 	pgo[0] = 0;
   2659 	temp1[0] = 0;
   2660 	nstate = 0;
   2661 	nnonter = 0;
   2662 	for(;;) {
   2663 		switch(gtnm()) {
   2664 		case '\n':
   2665 			nstate++;
   2666 			pmem--;
   2667 			temp1[nstate] = pmem - mem0;
   2668 		case ',':
   2669 			continue;
   2670 		case '$':
   2671 			break;
   2672 		default:
   2673 			error("bad tempfile %s", tempname);
   2674 		}
   2675 		break;
   2676 	}
   2678 	pmem--;
   2679 	temp1[nstate] = yypgo[0] = pmem - mem0;
   2680 	for(;;) {
   2681 		switch(gtnm()) {
   2682 		case '\n':
   2683 			nnonter++;
   2684 			yypgo[nnonter] = pmem-mem0;
   2685 		case ',':
   2686 			continue;
   2687 		case -1:
   2688 			break;
   2689 		default:
   2690 			error("bad tempfile");
   2691 		}
   2692 		break;
   2693 	}
   2694 	pmem--;
   2695 	yypgo[nnonter--] = pmem - mem0;
   2696 	for(i = 0; i < nstate; i++) {
   2697 		k = 32000;
   2698 		j = 0;
   2699 		q = mem0 + temp1[i+1];
   2700 		for(p = mem0 + temp1[i]; p < q ; p += 2) {
   2701 			if(*p > j)
   2702 				j = *p;
   2703 			if(*p < k)
   2704 				k = *p;
   2705 		}
   2706 		/* nontrivial situation */
   2707 		if(k <= j) {
   2708 			/* j is now the range */
   2709 /*			j -= k;			*//* call scj */
   2710 			if(k > maxoff)
   2711 				maxoff = k;
   2712 		}
   2713 		tystate[i] = (temp1[i+1]-temp1[i]) + 2*j;
   2714 		if(j > maxspr)
   2715 			maxspr = j;
   2716 	}
   2718 	/* initialize ggreed table */
   2719 	for(i = 1; i <= nnonter; i++) {
   2720 		ggreed[i] = 1;
   2721 		j = 0;
   2723 		/* minimum entry index is always 0 */
   2724 		q = mem0 + yypgo[i+1] - 1;
   2725 		for(p = mem0+yypgo[i]; p < q ; p += 2) {
   2726 			ggreed[i] += 2;
   2727 			if(*p > j)
   2728 				j = *p;
   2729 		}
   2730 		ggreed[i] = ggreed[i] + 2*j;
   2731 		if(j > maxoff)
   2732 			maxoff = j;
   2733 	}
   2735 	/* now, prepare to put the shift actions into the amem array */
   2736 	for(i = 0; i < ACTSIZE; i++)
   2737 		amem[i] = 0;
   2738 	maxa = amem;
   2739 	for(i = 0; i < nstate; i++) {
   2740 		if(tystate[i] == 0 && adb > 1)
   2741 			Bprint(ftable, "State %d: null\n", i);
   2742 		indgo[i] = YYFLAG1;
   2743 	}
   2744 	while((i = nxti()) != NOMORE)
   2745 		if(i >= 0)
   2746 			stin(i);
   2747 		else
   2748 			gin(-i);
   2750 	/* print amem array */
   2751 	if(adb > 2 )
   2752 		for(p = amem; p <= maxa; p += 10) {
   2753 			Bprint(ftable, "%4d  ", (int)(p-amem));
   2754 			for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
   2755 				Bprint(ftable, "%4d  ", p[i]);
   2756 			Bprint(ftable, "\n");
   2757 		}
   2759 	/* write out the output appropriate to the language */
   2760 	aoutput();
   2761 	osummary();
   2762 	ZAPFILE(tempname);
   2763 }
   2765 void
   2766 gin(int i)
   2767 {
   2768 	int *p, *r, *s, *q1, *q2;
   2770 	/* enter gotos on nonterminal i into array amem */
   2771 	ggreed[i] = 0;
   2773 	q2 = mem0+ yypgo[i+1] - 1;
   2774 	q1 = mem0 + yypgo[i];
   2776 	/* now, find amem place for it */
   2777 	for(p = amem; p < &amem[ACTSIZE]; p++) {
   2778 		if(*p)
   2779 			continue;
   2780 		for(r = q1; r < q2; r += 2) {
   2781 			s = p + *r + 1;
   2782 			if(*s)
   2783 				goto nextgp;
   2784 			if(s > maxa)
   2785 				if((maxa = s) > &amem[ACTSIZE])
   2786 					error("a array overflow");
   2787 		}
   2788 		/* we have found amem spot */
   2789 		*p = *q2;
   2790 		if(p > maxa)
   2791 			if((maxa = p) > &amem[ACTSIZE])
   2792 				error("a array overflow");
   2793 		for(r = q1; r < q2; r += 2) {
   2794 			s = p + *r + 1;
   2795 			*s = r[1];
   2796 		}
   2797 		pgo[i] = p-amem;
   2798 		if(adb > 1)
   2799 			Bprint(ftable, "Nonterminal %d, entry at %d\n", i, pgo[i]);
   2800 		return;
   2802 	nextgp:;
   2803 	}
   2804 	error("cannot place goto %d\n", i);
   2805 }
   2807 void
   2808 stin(int i)
   2809 {
   2810 	int *r, *s, n, flag, j, *q1, *q2;
   2812 	tystate[i] = 0;
   2814 	/* enter state i into the amem array */
   2815 	q2 = mem0+temp1[i+1];
   2816 	q1 = mem0+temp1[i];
   2817 	/* find an acceptable place */
   2818 	for(n = -maxoff; n < ACTSIZE; n++) {
   2819 		flag = 0;
   2820 		for(r = q1; r < q2; r += 2) {
   2821 			if((s = *r + n + amem) < amem)
   2822 				goto nextn;
   2823 			if(*s == 0)
   2824 				flag++;
   2825 			else
   2826 				if(*s != r[1])
   2827 					goto nextn;
   2828 		}
   2830 		/* check that the position equals another only if the states are identical */
   2831 		for(j=0; j<nstate; j++) {
   2832 			if(indgo[j] == n) {
   2834 				/* we have some disagreement */
   2835 				if(flag)
   2836 					goto nextn;
   2837 				if(temp1[j+1]+temp1[i] == temp1[j]+temp1[i+1]) {
   2839 					/* states are equal */
   2840 					indgo[i] = n;
   2841 					if(adb > 1)
   2842 						Bprint(ftable,
   2843 						"State %d: entry at %d equals state %d\n",
   2844 						i, n, j);
   2845 					return;
   2846 				}
   2848 				/* we have some disagreement */
   2849 				goto nextn;
   2850 			}
   2851 		}
   2853 		for(r = q1; r < q2; r += 2) {
   2854 			if((s = *r+n+amem) >= &amem[ACTSIZE])
   2855 				error("out of space in optimizer a array");
   2856 			if(s > maxa)
   2857 				maxa = s;
   2858 			if(*s != 0 && *s != r[1])
   2859 				error("clobber of a array, pos'n %d, by %d", s-amem, r[1]);
   2860 			*s = r[1];
   2861 		}
   2862 		indgo[i] = n;
   2863 		if(adb > 1)
   2864 			Bprint(ftable, "State %d: entry at %d\n", i, indgo[i]);
   2865 		return;
   2866 	nextn:;
   2867 	}
   2868 	error("Error; failure to place state %d\n", i);
   2869 }
   2871 /*
   2872  * finds the next i
   2873  */
   2874 int
   2875 nxti(void)
   2876 {
   2877 	int i, max, maxi;
   2879 	max = 0;
   2880 	maxi = 0;
   2881 	for(i = 1; i <= nnonter; i++)
   2882 		if(ggreed[i] >= max) {
   2883 			max = ggreed[i];
   2884 			maxi = -i;
   2885 		}
   2886 	for(i = 0; i < nstate; ++i)
   2887 		if(tystate[i] >= max) {
   2888 			max = tystate[i];
   2889 			maxi = i;
   2890 		}
   2891 	if(nxdb)
   2892 		Bprint(ftable, "nxti = %d, max = %d\n", maxi, max);
   2893 	if(max == 0)
   2894 		return NOMORE;
   2895 	return maxi;
   2896 }
   2898 /*
   2899  * write summary
   2900  */
   2901 void
   2902 osummary(void)
   2903 {
   2905 	int i, *p;
   2907 	if(foutput == 0)
   2908 		return;
   2909 	i = 0;
   2910 	for(p = maxa; p >= amem; p--)
   2911 		if(*p == 0)
   2912 			i++;
   2914 	Bprint(foutput, "Optimizer space used: input %d/%d, output %d/%d\n",
   2915 		(int)(pmem-mem0+1), MEMSIZE, (int)(maxa-amem+1), ACTSIZE);
   2916 	Bprint(foutput, "%d table entries, %d zero\n", (int)(maxa-amem+1), i);
   2917 	Bprint(foutput, "maximum spread: %d, maximum offset: %d\n", maxspr, maxoff);
   2918 }
   2920 /*
   2921  * this version is for C
   2922  * write out the optimized parser
   2923  */
   2924 void
   2925 aoutput(void)
   2926 {
   2927 	Bprint(ftable, "#define\tYYLAST\t%d\n", (int)(maxa-amem+1));
   2928 	arout("yyact", amem, (maxa-amem)+1);
   2929 	arout("yypact", indgo, nstate);
   2930 	arout("yypgo", pgo, nnonter+1);
   2931 }
   2933 void
   2934 arout(char *s, int *v, int n)
   2935 {
   2936 	int i;
   2938 	Bprint(ftable, "static\tconst\tshort	%s[] =\n{", s);
   2939 	for(i = 0; i < n;) {
   2940 		if(i%10 == 0)
   2941 			Bprint(ftable, "\n");
   2942 		Bprint(ftable, "%4d", v[i]);
   2943 		i++;
   2944 		if(i == n)
   2945 			Bprint(ftable, "\n};\n");
   2946 		else
   2947 			Bprint(ftable, ",");
   2948 	}
   2949 }
   2951 /*
   2952  * read and convert an integer from the standard input
   2953  * return the terminating character
   2954  * blanks, tabs, and newlines are ignored
   2955  */
   2956 int
   2957 gtnm(void)
   2958 {
   2959 	int sign, val, c;
   2961 	sign = 0;
   2962 	val = 0;
   2963 	while((c=Bgetrune(finput)) != Beof) {
   2964 		if(isdigit(c)) {
   2965 			val = val*10 + c-'0';
   2966 			continue;
   2967 		}
   2968 		if(c == '-') {
   2969 			sign = 1;
   2970 			continue;
   2971 		}
   2972 		break;
   2973 	}
   2974 	if(sign)
   2975 		val = -val;
   2976 	*pmem++ = val;
   2977 	if(pmem >= &mem0[MEMSIZE])
   2978 		error("out of space");
   2979 	return c;
   2980 }