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      1 \chapter{Bit operations}
      2 \label{chap:Bit operations}
      4 libzahl provides a number of functions that operate on
      5 bits. These can sometimes be used instead of arithmetic
      6 functions for increased performance. You should read
      7 the sections in order.
      9 \vspace{1cm}
     10 \minitoc
     13 \newpage
     14 \section{Boundary}
     15 \label{sec:Boundary}
     17 To retrieve the index of the lowest set bit, use
     19 \begin{alltt}
     20    size_t zlsb(z_t a);
     21 \end{alltt}
     23 \noindent
     24 It will return a zero-based index, that is, if the
     25 least significant bit is indeed set, it will return 0.
     27 If {\tt a} is a power of 2, it will return the power
     28 of which 2 is raised, effectively calculating the
     29 binary logarithm of {\tt a}. Note, this is only if
     30 {\tt a} is a power of two. More generally, it returns
     31 the number of trailing binary zeroes, if equivalently
     32 the number of times {\tt a} can evenly be divided by
     33 2. However, in the special case where $a = 0$,
     34 {\tt SIZE\_MAX} is returned.
     36 A similar function is
     38 \begin{alltt}
     39    size_t zbit(z_t a);
     40 \end{alltt}
     42 \noindent
     43 It returns the minimal number of bits require to
     44 represent an integer. That is, $\lceil \log_2 a \rceil - 1$,
     45 or equivalently, the number of times {\tt a} can be
     46 divided by 2 before it gets the value 0. However, in
     47 the special case where $a = 0$, 1 is returned. 0 is
     48 never returned. If you want the value 0 to be returned
     49 if $a = 0$, write
     51 \begin{alltt}
     52    zzero(a) ? 0 : zbits(a)
     53 \end{alltt}
     55 The definition ``it returns the minimal number
     56 of bits required to represent an integer,''
     57 holds true if $a = 0$, the other divisions
     58 do not hold true if $a = 0$.
     61 \newpage
     62 \section{Shift}
     63 \label{sec:Shift}
     65 There are two functions for shifting bits
     66 in integers:
     68 \begin{alltt}
     69    void zlsh(z_t r, z_t a, size_t b);
     70    void zrsh(z_t r, z_t a, size_t b);
     71 \end{alltt}
     73 \noindent
     74 {\tt zlsh} performs a left-shift, and {\tt zrsh}
     75 performs a right-shift. That is, {\tt zlsh} adds
     76 {\tt b} trailing binary zeroes, and {\tt zrsh}
     77 removes the lowest {\tt b} binary digits. So if
     79 $a = \phantom{00}10000101_2$ then
     81 $r = 1000010100_2$ after calling {\tt zlsh(r, a, 2)}, and
     83 $r = \phantom{0100}100001_2$ after calling {\tt zrsh(r, a, 2)}.
     84 \vspace{1em}
     86 {\tt zlsh(r, a, b)} is equivalent to $r \gets a \cdot 2^b$,
     87 and {\tt zrsh(r, a, b)} is equivalent to $r \gets a \div 2^b$,
     88 with truncated division, {\tt zlsh} and {\tt zrsh} are
     89 significantly faster than {\tt zpowu} and should be used
     90 whenever possible. {\tt zpowu} does not check if it is
     91 possible for it to use {\tt zlsh} instead, even if it
     92 would, {\tt zlsh} and {\tt zrsh} would still be preferable
     93 in most cases because it removes the need for {\tt zmul}
     94 and {\tt zdiv}, respectively.
     96 {\tt zlsh} and {\tt zrsh} are implemented in two steps:
     97 (1) shift whole characters, that is, groups of aligned
     98 64 bits, and (2) shift on a bit-level between characters.
    100 If you are implementing a calculator, you may want to
    101 create a wrapper for {\tt zpow} that uses {\tt zlsh}
    102 whenever possible. One such wrapper could be
    104 \begin{alltt}
    105    void
    106    pow(z_t r, z_t a, z_t b)
    107    \{
    108        size_t s1, s2;
    109        if ((s1 = zlsb(a)) + 1 == zbits(a) &&
    110                      zbits(b) <= 8 * sizeof(SIZE_MAX)) \{
    111            s2 = zzero(b) ? 0 : b->chars[0];
    112            if (s1 <= SIZE_MAX / s2) \{
    113                zsetu(r, 1);
    114                zlsh(r, r, s1 * s2);
    115                return;
    116            \}
    117        \}
    118        zpow(r, a, b);
    119    \}
    120 \end{alltt}
    123 \newpage
    124 \section{Truncation}
    125 \label{sec:Truncation}
    127 In \secref{sec:Shift} we have seen how bit-shift
    128 operations can be used to multiply or divide by a
    129 power of two. There is also a bit-truncation
    130 operation: {\tt ztrunc}, which is used to keep
    131 only the lowest bits, or equivalently, calculate
    132 the remainder of a division by a power of two.
    134 \begin{alltt}
    135    void ztrunc(z_t r, z_t a, size_t b);
    136 \end{alltt}
    138 \noindent
    139 is consistent with {\tt zmod}; like {\tt zlsh} and
    140 {\tt zrsh}, {\tt a}'s sign is preserved into {\tt r}
    141 assuming the result is non-zero.
    143 {\tt ztrunc(r, a, b)} stores only the lowest {\tt b}
    144 bits in {\tt a} into {\tt r}, or equivalently,
    145 calculates $r \gets a \mod 2^b$. For example, if
    147 $a = 100011000_2$ then
    149 $r = \phantom{10001}1000_2$ after calling
    150 {\tt ztrunc(r, a, 4)}.
    153 \newpage
    154 \section{Split}
    155 \label{sec:Split}
    157 In \secref{sec:Shift} and \secref{sec:Truncation}
    158 we have seen how bit operations can be used to
    159 calculate division by a power of two and
    160 modulus a power of two efficiently using
    161 bit-shift and bit-truncation operations. libzahl
    162 also has a bit-split operation that can be used
    163 to efficiently calculate both division and
    164 modulus a power of two efficiently in the same
    165 operation, or equivalently, storing low bits
    166 in one integer and high bits in another integer.
    167 This function is
    169 \begin{alltt}
    170    void zsplit(z_t high, z_t low, z_t a, size_t b);
    171 \end{alltt}
    173 \noindent
    174 Unlike {\tt zdivmod}, it is not more efficient
    175 than calling {\tt zrsh} and {\tt ztrunc}, but
    176 it is more convenient. {\tt zsplit} requires
    177 that {\tt high} and {\tt low} are from each
    178 other distinct references.
    180 Calling {\tt zsplit(high, low, a, b)} is
    181 equivalent to
    183 \begin{alltt}
    184    ztrunc(low, a, delim);
    185    zrsh(high, a, delim);
    186 \end{alltt}
    188 \noindent
    189 assuming {\tt a} and {\tt low} are not the
    190 same reference (reverse the order of the
    191 functions if they are the same reference.)
    193 {\tt zsplit} copies the lowest {\tt b} bits
    194 of {\tt a} to {\tt low}, and the rest of the
    195 bits to {\tt high}, with the lowest {\tt b}
    196 removesd. For example, if $a = 1010101111_2$,
    197 then $high = 101010_2$ and $low = 1111_2$
    198 after calling {\tt zsplit(high, low, a, 4)}.
    200 {\tt zsplit} is especially useful in
    201 divide-and-conquer algorithms.
    204 \newpage
    205 \section{Bit manipulation}
    206 \label{sec:Bit manipulation}
    209 The function
    211 \begin{alltt}
    212    void zbset(z_t r, z_t a, size_t bit, int mode);
    213 \end{alltt}
    215 \noindent
    216 is used to manipulate single bits in {\tt a}. It will
    217 copy {\tt a} into {\tt r} and then, in {\tt r}, either
    218 set, clear, or flip, the bit with the index {\tt bit}
    219 — the least significant bit has the index 0. The
    220 action depend on the value of {\tt mode}:
    222 \begin{itemize}
    223 \item
    224 $mode > 0$ ($+1$): set
    225 \item
    226 $mode = 0$ ($0$): clear
    227 \item
    228 $mode < 0$ ($-1$): flip
    229 \end{itemize}
    232 \newpage
    233 \section{Bit test}
    234 \label{sec:Bit test}
    236 libzahl provides a function for testing whether a bit
    237 in a big integer is set:
    239 \begin{alltt}
    240    int zbtest(z_t a, size_t bit);
    241 \end{alltt}
    243 \noindent
    244 it will return 1 if the bit with the index {\tt bit}
    245 is set in {\tt a}, counting from the least significant
    246 bit, starting at zero. 0 is returned otherwise. The
    247 sign of {\tt a} is ignored.
    249 We can think of this like so: consider
    251 $$ \lvert a \rvert = \sum_{i = 0}^\infty k_i 2^i,~ k_i \in \{0, 1\}, $$
    253 \noindent
    254 {\tt zbtest(a, b)} returns $k_b$. Equivalently, we can
    255 think that {\tt zbtest(a, b)} return whether $b \in B$
    256 where $B$ is defined by
    258 $$ \lvert a \rvert = \sum_{b \in B} 2^b,~ B \subset \textbf{Z}_+, $$
    260 \noindent
    261 or as right-shifting $a$ by $b$ bits and returning
    262 whether the least significant bit is set.
    264 {\tt zbtest} always returns 1 or 0, but for good
    265 code quality, you should avoid testing against 1,
    266 rather you should test whether the value is a
    267 truth-value or a falsehood-value. However, there
    268 is nothing wrong with depending on the value being
    269 restricted to being either 1 or 0 if you want to
    270 sum up returned values or otherwise use them in
    271 new values.
    274 \newpage
    275 \section{Connectives}
    276 \label{sec:Connectives}
    278 libzahl implements the four basic logical
    279 connectives: and, or, exclusive or, and not.
    280 The functions for these are named {\tt zand},
    281 {\tt zor}, {\tt zxor}, and {\tt znot},
    282 respectively.
    284 The connectives apply to each bit in the
    285 integers, as well as the sign. The sign is
    286 treated as a bit that is set if the integer
    287 is negative, and as cleared otherwise. For
    288 example (integers are in binary):
    290 \begin{alltt}
    291    zand(r, a, b)              zor(r, a, b)
    292    a = +1010  (input)         a = +1010  (input)
    293    b = -1100  (input)         b = -1100  (input)
    294    r = +1000  (output)        r = -1110  (output)
    296    zxor(r, a, b)              znot(r, a)
    297    a = +1010  (input)         a = +1010  (input)
    298    b = -1100  (input)         r = -0101  (output)
    299    r = -0110  (output)
    300 \end{alltt}
    302 Remember, in libzahl, integers are represented
    303 with sign and magnitude, not two's complement,
    304 even when using these connectives. Therefore,
    305 more work than just changing the name of the
    306 called function may be required when moving
    307 between big integer libraries. Consequently,
    308 {\tt znot} does not flip bits that are higher
    309 than the highest set bit, which means that
    310 {\tt znot} is nilpotent rather than self dual.
    312 Below is a list of the value of {\tt a} when
    313 {\tt znot(a, a)} is called repeatedly.
    315 \begin{alltt}
    316    10101010
    317    -1010101
    318      101010
    319      -10101
    320        1010
    321        -101
    322          10
    323          -1
    324           0
    325           0
    326           0
    327 \end{alltt}